[hider=Theodora][center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/1zlt6wi.png[/img] [h2][color=bb7e4a]Theodora Benucci[/color][/h2][sub][i]Life is just like photography. We learn to develop from the negatives.[/i][/sub][/center] [color=bb7e4a]|| Name ||[/color] [indent]Theodora Marie Benucci. But often goes by Theo.[/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| Age ||[/color] [indent]Twenty-Two[/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| Gender ||[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| In Depth Appearance || [/color] [indent]Theodora is of Italian descent, giving her a golden skin tone. Her hair and eyes are both a dark brown. She is petite standing around 5ft 3 and not weighing more than 110lbs depending on what family gathering is around the corner. She tends to wear more feminine clothes, and enjoys wearing makeup and getting her nails and eyebrows done but usually is going all natural.[/indent] [hr][center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/1zdufqf.png[/IMG][/center][hr] [color=bb7e4a]|| Background ||[/color] [indent]Theodora was raised as the youngest girl in a large family of 6. Her father, mother, and 3 older brothers. She was the little princess of the family and was brought up with as many luxuries as the family could afford, but in no way were the Benucci tribe rich or selfish. In fact they were a humble family who felt the need to love as hard as they could muster, and give freely. It was about a year ago that one of her brother's were involved in a fatal car accident and the family was turned a bit on it's side. Their heart's were heavy but they found peace in one another and in their own hobbies and interest. Finding solace in her creative side, Theo took to the streets photographing all types of hubs of people- from the celebrities to the homeless. Both Theodora's father and mother liked that the girl had found a way to cope with the loss of her brother, but felt the girl was drifting more and more into a loner lifestyle. They encouraged her to take the opportunity to go on the show, and see what could come of it. For Theodora it seemed like a good idea to get out of the area for awhile, and perhaps reconnect with nature in a way that she couldn't do living in the bustling city. Either way, she is excited to spend some time away from home, and if she finds love- it'll be a bonus.[/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| Personality ||[/color] [indent]Creative. Family Oriented. Aggressive. Easily Jealous. Theodora has an artist's soul. She enjoys photography and ceramics, and is one to stop and stare at the world and enjoy it's beauty when she has the time. Her mind is very family oriented, always thinking about her own. She prides herself in keeping everyone fed and happy. She hopes to have a big family of her own one day; which tends to scare guys away. Despite her soft smile and first impression, Theo can get extremely aggressive and down right scary when she is upset with something that is not going the way that it was planned. Jealousy and belittling of anyone she cares about is the easiest way to set her off, and she won't stand for it. She is not afraid to throw a swing first, and won't stop hitting until she feels complete. [/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| What She Looks For ||[/color] [indent]Theodora needs someone who is steady and well planted on the ground. She needs loyalty and someone who is willing to fight for her as hard as she is willing to fight for them. Family is very important to her, so she wants someone who has the want for a big family one day. Someone that is into artistic things would be a nice addition, but it's not a priority.[/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| Reason For Joining Show ||[/color] [indent]Mostly because her parent's encouraged her, but she's not against finding someone. [/indent] [color=bb7e4a]|| Other ||[/color] [indent]Has a tattoo of a small lady bug on her foot.[/indent] [hr][center][IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/jzt9wg.png[/IMG][/center][hr][/hider]