[hr][hr][h1][center]The Ghost of John Moses[/center][/h1][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QUYyGOtlEh0mk/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Altsoba Methodist Hospital Interacting With: Danica [@Lady Amalthea], Elizabeth [@Sohtem][/center][hr][hr]John smiles at Danica eerily, before vanishing. The strange grip that had Danica placed on the wall vanishes, allowing her to fall to the ground. However, the lights in the hospital continue to flicker and an icy wind brings the room to a chill. Nurse Mary, having the good sense to be terrified, is transfixed, muttering prayers to any deity that may listen. John appears again, and this time, he grabs Elizabeth. Dragging her through the sunlight, he narrowly manages to hold her there, watching her burn as he cackles, unable to summon the energy to speak. It isn't every day that one wakes up as a ghost, after all. Unfortunately for him, his strength fails, allowing Elizabeth to get free. This time, when he vanishes, he doesn't rematerialize immediately. "What the....What the hell is going on?" Nurse Mary whispers, looking at Danica and Elizabeth with frightened eyes. She begins to choke, falling to the ground as she grabs at her neck, a strange grey smoke engulfing her. She rises to her feet, her posture entirely changed, gazing down at her hands as if they're brand new. John Moses has possessed her. "I don't have much time," he said hoarsley. The homicidal tendencies of a vengeful spirit were threatening to take over at any moment, like a violent itch he just [i]had[/i] to scratch. He wouldn't be able to control himself for more than a simple phrase, before he knew he'd begin to attack once more. "You need to find the book..." He never finished that sentence. The insanity claimed him once more, and he lunged at Danica, once more on the attack. [hr][hr][h1][center][i]The Beautiful "Woman"[/i][/center][/h1][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/dea6e187bcf170233a336d6b842ac5a5/tumblr_inline_n1txn2SOZ01stiiuj.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Town Center Interacting With: Amy [@Lady Amalthea], Joel [@hagroden], Katsumi [@BlueSky44][/center][hr][hr]The man smiled at Amy. [i]"There's more of these at my place,"[/i] he promised, extending a hand to her. Miraculously, a bottle of Amy's favorite wine--the very best vintage of it--appeared in his hand. The tall surgeon winked at her, placing a hand on her each time she attempted to evade him. He could hear the frustrated groans of the EMTs, the pain of the patients. As if Amy's ideal man couldn't get any better, he stepped up to the patients and got to work. It was like watching Mozart or Beethoven live, a master in his craft. He played a symphony somehow with the patients, tending to the injuries of each and every one of them with a medically sterilized grace. In a textbook, it wouldn't have been referred to as bedside manner--it would have been bedside seduction. After finishing with the last and giving clear instructions to the EMTs on how to handle anyone else, the man returned to Amy, his eyes staring into hers as he removed his gloves. [i]"Shall we?"[/i] he offered. [i]"The morons can handle themselves now, don't you think?"[/i] If all had gone according to plan, he imagined that Amy would already be a puddle of goo in his hands.[hr][hr][h1][center][color=f26522]Dr. Chase Barnes[/color][/center][/h1][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/34095868/large.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Town Center Interacting With: Scarlet [@Sohtem][/center][hr][hr]Dr. Barnes gave a jolt, nearly dropping the box as the dog rushed over at him. Backing away, he held one hand towards Rex, completely distracted from his previous observations of Amy and the others. He gulped, biting his lip, as he could have sworn the dog just [i]snarled[/i] at him. Shuddering at the dog rubbed up against him, Dr. Barnes wished he could have been anywhere else. [color=f26522]"Your dog was trying to kill me!"[/color] Dr. Barnes exclaimed, as the owner finally retrieved the mangy mutt. He let out a sigh of relief as the dog appeared to obey commands, sitting next to its gorgeous owner. Composing himself, Dr. Barnes threw another desperate glance over towards Amy and the others, hoping that all of his plans would proceed accordingly. Head Of Thoracic Surgery was supposed to be [i]his[/i] job. Not some woman he'd never heard of before. He'd researched her online, seeing articles about how she was [i]handed[/i] a full ride to medical school. Dr. Barnes had had to suffer and work for it--he didn't get anything handed to him, certainly! She'd pay for that, she had to pay. No one crossed Chase Barnes the Third and got away with it! Realizing the woman was still there, he let out a disappointed sigh. He supposed he could waste some of his time with her, mentally rescheduling Amy's death. [color=f26522]"I'm Dr. Chase Barnes,"[/color] he offered, not extending his hand. He didn't dare let go of the box. [color=f26522]"I work as a surgeon at Altsoba Methodist."[/color]