[hider=Holy Union of Yapathi - WIP] [color=ed1c24]THIS IS A WIP[/color] [center][h1][color=fff200]Holy Union of Yapathi[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gb46gPR.jpg[/img] [color=fff200][i]Beautiful and Spiritual yet Secretive & Evil.[/i][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyMg9o_TW0Y[/youtube] [i][u][color=fff200]Theme Song[/color][/u][/i] [/center] [color=fff200][b]Type Of Government: [/b][/color] Theocratic Oligarchy [color=fff200][b]Government & Religion Description:[/b][/color] The Yapathi are an ancient horned race in which it's entire primary female appearing populace believes the universe and everything within it had been created by a singular life force. This radiant energy had been found from day one of their existence as sentient creatures within the essence of a golden gemstone named the Kiraxthi, an artefact believed by the Yapathi to be as old as the beginning of the universe. Although the living entity within the gem is without any physical form, the entity can only speak and converse with three separate bloodlines of Yapathi, as it has been since the Holy Union first formed. This resulting spiritualistic oligarchy, ruled by the tree main divine council figures are in turn considered as absolute authorities on all matters of state and religion as the Kiraxthi is forbidden to be visually seen by anybody other than the chosen three. The three bloodlines can be easily recognised from a young age as they are born with a unique form of radiating energy usually found either on their horns, ears, neck or head. This feature cannot be found on anybody else within the species and is an all-powerful sign to the billions of Yapathi so in turn, these three individuals are basically seen as the physical representation of god. They are known as the Axi's and are each skilled and tasked with separate matters in three key areas: Culture, Trade and Defence. Each of the divine axi's can be seen positioned around the mighty Kiraxthi on their flag while the horns, a physical embodiment of the Yapathi people are seen following and protecting them as a result of their faith. [hr] [b][color=fff200]Species(s) and Demographics:[/color][/b] Although looking completely similar to each-other, many races first encountering the Yapathi would assume that they are all the same as each-other, believing that they are all identical each-other as a female looking species, this however is not the case as there is actually four different forms of life within the Yapathi, the first three being considered as the normal and normality within the species while the third is a different story altogether. The first three are seen as stunningly beautiful female creatures, each varying with different levels of height, intelligence, mannerisms, pigment of skin and length and shape of their horns although all of them do feature white hair. It's also know that each individual member of the Axi council represents one of each race, bringing balance and unity between them all. However.. The Yapathi has a dark secret which hides behind their beauty and appeal. [hider=Ei-Yapathi] [color=fff200][b]Ei-Yapathi[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jXKA8jo.jpg[/img] The Ei-Yapathi is the most common form of Yapathi, they make up the largest demographic of the race and feature brightly coloured skin, bright glowing blank eyes and their skin is usually blue or red with strong shades of yellow within their horns, their skin also appears to form a natural display of designs on their skin, almost like face paint although most of them are religious markings which is highly common throughout the entirety of the species. The Ei are the most intelligent out of the three and are usually found within the skill set of traders, being bankers and also using religious science given to them by the axi's guidance to build unbelievably advanced technologies, however they are seen as being snobby and relaxed, thinking of their-selves more than others. [/hider] [hider=Kyi-Yapathi] [color=fff200][b]Kyi-Yapathi[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bRZ0Cxa.jpg[/img] The Kyi-Yapathi are much shorter than the Ei, they have much shorter horns and their skin is a completely different pigment, almost completely neutral and boring compared to them, even to the point where their eyes are different. The Kyi are the rarest of the three Yapathi and make up most of the creative and cultural nature of the people, they love to share wisdom, knowledge and understanding about the universe and everything that the gem has to offer, they are curious, adventurous and also very excitable, you don't want to be locked in a room with one of them as they would talk you to death. [/hider] [hider=Zer-Yapathi] [color=fff200][b]Zer-Yapathi[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3gnecGW.jpg[/img] The Zer-Yapathi are the tallest and most menacing out of the three in terms of appearance, featuring the longest horns, dark black/grey skin and black eyes they can be fairly scary to look at to begin with, they are however beautiful to look at like all Yapathi are but at first glance they look rather out of place compared to the other races. The Zer are known to be the most masculine out of the apparent all female race and they are aggressive and stern, they make up the largest majority of the Yapathi military and are known to be fairly ruthless, especially when they have large claws unlike the other races. [/hider] There is however a fourth race which expresses a darker side of the Yapathi. Back when the Kiraxthi gem was first discovered and communication to the entity was made over the millions of years that followed, the Yapathi came to notice that the energy within the gem was expressing culture only centred around both the physicality and mentality of a feminine image, as if it was female itself. As the years continued it became apparent that the gem only wished for an existence that hosted primarily a female populace, yet waited in patience for the Yapathi to become advanced enough to successfully create the genetic modification control system where only females would be born to couples. And knowing that the physical build that the male species was possessed made them stronger, The Kiraxthi had an idea, a vision in mind. Through the brainwashing of the female populace the entirety of the male population fell victim to a manufactured bio weapon where they were round up into camps slowly over thousands of years and one by one were purged and removed from Yapathi existence, today they take a different form. [hider=Yyxarpathi] [color=fff200][b]Yyxarpathi[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yEgsgVM.jpg[/img] The remnants of mankind, an incredibly powerful bio-weapon made from the remains of the now extinct male populace of the Yapathi, the Yyxarpathi are violent, incredibly aggressive and resistant to many forms of damage, they are also fast and attack in huge swarms. If released onto the confines of hostile spaceship the crew would be dead within minutes. These beasts is the gems final plan, a possible super weapon to completely rule and take over planets, especially when all of these beasts can secretly be controlled by the Kiraxthi itself. The exact number of these beasts is a complete mystery, but it is considered to be incredibly high, for now they are kept upon a large planet colony far away from the Kathari home-world of Evoni. [/hider] [center] [color=fff200][b]Demographic[/b][/color] Ei-Yapathi: 50% Kyi-Yapathi: 10% Zer-Yapathi: 40% Yyxarpathi: ???? [/center] [hr] [color=fff200][b]Axi Leadership/Persons of Importance:[/b][/color] The Leadership of the Yapathi boils down to three primary bloodlines, the service to the God-Like energy, Kiraxthi is a right until death but on rare occasions the gem can request a younger successor to replace their previous servant who is usually their parent. Besides these three primary bloodlines there is a sub level of councils each skilled in different forms service to assist the three Axi's, especially when they are younger and inexperienced in in rulership, this is usually given by elders and those whom assisted many Axi's in the past. The bloodlines are ancient and many customs are held within each bloodline, while equally being very prestigious yet very unique in their own way. [b][color=00a99d]Alure Bloodline - Technology & History[/color][/b] The Alure bloodline is the head-front of the Ei-Yapathi, expressing the teachings such as spaceflight, intelligence, science and advanced knowledge to the entire species through the teachings of the gem. They are known to be incredibly intelligent and wise, although very strict and proper in the way that they live and think. They are very calculative and tend to question the universe, yet their faith never fades, the same as every other Yapathi, the current Axi from the Alure bloodline is Arceila-Cixi-Alure [hider=Arceila-Cixi-Alure] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PFyoq94.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][b]Arceila-Cixi-Alure[/b][/color] [/hider] [b][color=fff200]Alrin Bloodline - Culture[/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]Rythnor Bloodline - Military & defence[/color][/b] [color=fff200][b]Persons of Importance:[/b][/color] Culture: History: Military: [hr] [color=ed1c24]THIS IS A WIP[/color] [/hider]