[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][hider=Alex Hill] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img] [/hider][hr] The past few days had been pretty uneventful except for the excitement of the upcoming wedding. Alex didn't really care about it, but he did show up. Afterwords he went down to the gym to workout as best he could. With his left arm unusable and in a sling there wasn't really to much that he could do. So, he decided to practice using his new found Tanto. He practiced various take down maneuvers that could be performed with one hand. It was difficult to not use his left arm at all, but if he moved it to much it would take longer to heal. After a good while of practicing Alex started to get restless. Being cooped up in this school was aggravating him a little. Alex wanted to leave the school for a bit, but realized that getting a gun would probably be best for his defense. Alex quickly searched for Nikki, and once he got to the leader's room he knocked and once he got confirmation that she was there he opened the door saying, [color=cyan]"Nikki, does anyone have a spare pistol that you know of?"[/color] [@Wick]