[color=82ca9d][b][center]Lyra[/center][/b][/color] She pulled back with a gasp at the kiss. Raising her hand to her lips, she touched them gently as they tingled under her fingers. Her first kiss... [color=82ca9d]"My Lord... we can't..." [/color]she protested. [color=82ca9d]"I am of low blood, despite being of Hyland descent. We are in actuality cousins. Your family... they would-"[/color] her words were cut off when someone entered the tent. Lyra whimpered like a hurt pup when she realized who it was. [color=82ca9d]"L-l-lord Emerin!"[/color] she stammered, falling backwards on her bottom in an effort to scramble away. [color=82ca9d]"I didn't... I mean... I... I..."[/color] Panic threatened to squeeze the very life from her. Lady Julia was coming! And one of the lords had seen her and Trystan kiss! [color=82ca9d]"She's going to kill me!"[/color] Lyra moaned in fear, covering her face and trying to cower beside a table.[color=82ca9d] "Please do not tell her!"[/color] she begged, looking with pleading eyes at Emerin. [color=82ca9d]"I beg of you Lord Emerin! I will do whatever you ask, just please... please don't tell her! Do not let her kill me, or worse cast me out! I shall die if I have to become like my mother! Please!"[/color] Lyra babbled on in whimpering sobs, shaking in fear. If Lord Emerin would not keep this secret Lyra was on her way to becoming a common whore to survive, if she survived at all. In her fear she didn't realize she was cowering towards Trystan, her mind unconciously turning to him for protection. [@KillBox][@MrMonsoon]