Well, I might as well try again I guess XD. Here it is, with the demon factionality as you guys mentioned. _______________________________________________ [hider=Krinsa][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kyBxIb1.png[/img] [color=E6E6FA]”What do you want? You’re in my way. Unless you have something to say, move.”[/color] Name: Krinsa Hellhalf Title: The Fallen Angel, Dark Angel, Half-Hearted Killer Age: 46, it seems she stopped aging in her 20's Gender: Futanari Allegiance: Reluctantly, Demons. Race: Half-Demon/Half-Angel (Dark Angel as she was called) Height: 5’11”[/center] [center][color=E6E6FA]”No hard feelings, I don't want to kill you . . . But I must.”[/color][/center] Personality: On the surface Krinsa seems to be a cold person as her main focus is survival and her current (and overarching) goal. She is just a blunt person, typically saying what is on her mind, though this should not be confused with a lack of discretion. She is a nice enough person. If someone were in trouble she’d be likely though she would also expect compensation of some sort. Her loyalty to the Demons is. . . troubled at best. [hider=History:] Krinsa’s beginning is an obscurity. All that is known to Krinsa is that her mother, an angel, was held prisoner by a Demon that defiled and impregnated her. Somehow, she escaped back to Heaven where she gave birth to her child. It was then that they were disturbed by the growth of both types of genitals on the baby and exiled it to the world below, figuring she would die on her own. Of course, this would not happen. As time went by, she was raised as a weapon by a group of scientists in the Machina of Man for her abilities as a descendent of both Angels and Demons. Of course, Krinsa only understood what the scientist told her for the first 16 year of her life as she underwent experimentation and training in a multitude of weapons, though she had more of an affinity for melee weapons. Perhaps something from a raging demonic heritage they assumed. Over the next few years, the experiments and training continued and another “test subject” was brought in. This time, a full fledged angel that the scientist had somehow gotten their hands on. Locked in the same cells, the angel quickly felt the mix of blood in Krinsa and spoke up about it and telling her a story of a half-blood baby sent to the land of machines years ago. . . The next day during her training section she got her hands on the newly created Arkshock Blade. They instructed her to cut the angel in half with it, wanting to test it on a live subject. Krinsa couldn’t bring herself to do it and instead used her uncontrolled power to escape the facility, grabbing a cache of weapons and leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. With that, she escaped with the angel and the two returned to heaven with Krinsa attempting to do so with peaceful means. Of course, she was denied with the excuse of her blood being a blemish on her existence. She’d have no such luck getting in. . . Not that she didn't expect that. It is why she took the cache of weapons. There was little chance of getting back in to the Machina of Man so that left her one choice. . . [/hider] Powers: Heaven and Hell: An ability that she uses in combination with her Arkshock Blade. The electricity coursing through her blade becomes filled with holy light and the blade itself burning as the flames of hell. Dark/Light Orb: Krinsa creates an orb of Dark Demonic energy or Holy Angelic energy. Each do a slightly different thing. Dark Orbs explode on contact with anything. Light Orbs slightly expand and then implodes on themselves. For the most part, these move slowly when she throws them so it is best done at a very close range. Dark Flight: Normally, Krinsa has her wings hidden. She can call them out to give her the ability of flight. Her wings are similar to an angels, just black. Mixed Heritage: As a being of mixed heritage, she has a bit of the positives of both sides. The innate abilities of the angels and the slightly heightened physical abilities of her father. Weapons: [hider][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-3Km10jpUBEY/VoRymnPZDRI/AAAAAAAABv4/t6Uo4Wnccl4/w800-h800/latest.jpeg[/img][/hider] Arkshock Blade: The Arkshock Blade is Krinsa’s weapon of choice. In short, it is a katana with a massive charge of electricity coursing along and off the blade of the weapon. It was originally made to be a weapon for Krinsa by the scientists that imprisoned her. It’s electrical flow can obviously be turned off. Dual Exploiters: A pair of semi-automatic handguns that shoot out slightly inaccurate explosive bullets Best used at medium to close range. Changing Repertoire: Not a weapon exactly, but Krinsa has a changing repertoire of weapons that she can use from rifles to grenade launchers. Equipment: Among some other things, Krinsa carries a few grenades around. Other: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNEh2Wv1t1Q[/youtube][/hider]