[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center] Nikki handed Gracie to Jenna. [color=f49ac2]"Come in with me but stay in the background. I don't know who this guy is and if it's a trap I don't want Grace stuck in there. The first sign of trouble and you get her out of there and upstairs."[/color] Jenna nodded tickling the baby. Nikki walked in to see James getting the old man a bottle of water. [color=f49ac2]"Hello, I hear you got separated from your people? I'm Nikki Hyatt. What is your name?" [/color] When the old man lifted his head and looked at her he smiled and she guessed it was a smile that normally got him what he wanted. She could see the callouses on his hands and the strength in his arms. Most men his age didn't make it through Day 1. Nikki wasn't sure he was trustworthy. She looked at Jenna who immediately left the room and went upstairs with Grace. [@Belle][@Demonic angel]