[@Belle][@MrMonsoon][@KillBox] [center] [h3]Tiras Sky[/h3] [/center] [hr] Tiras was distracted long enough to miss Lyra leaving. He looked for her and grumbled. He looked at kit who tilted his head and blinked. [color=lightblue]"Well you are of no help."[/color] he watched the panicking people and hoped that his horse would stay calm. Of course a calm horse was not in the cards for him today and he heard a sound he had been hoping he wouldn't hear. A shrieking sound erupted from the stables at the grey devil stomped and kicked at its containment. This time Tiras could not reach the horse in time to soothe it before it broke out. Once out, the massive beast ran out. Stopping outside the stables it reared and whinned. It landed and ran, ears flat against its skull as it stayed in a spooked state. It made a bee line for the tent that held the three occupants. Tiras ran, kit now running beside him and dodging people. The falcon flew up and went back to the roost...the bird did not want to add to the problems. Tiras managed to leap on top of the horse's back and stop it with the pull of the mane. He grabbed the lead attached to the bit less bridle and slide off the back of the horse. He found a tree to tie it to and did so before going into the tent, kit right beside him. [color=lightblue]"Is everyone alright? My horse almost trampled you"[/color] he paused at the small scene before him...but didn't seem to register what was happening.