Gamera put her hands on her hips and watched as Kong left in an apparent attempt to create as much distance between her as possible but she knew he’d be back. Shaking her head, she was about to make her way to Tokyo bay herself when someone tapped on her shoulder signaling her to turn around. Thinking it was another earth defending Kaiju her face was lit up when she turned to greet the stranger, but that smile quickly dropped at the realization that this was a Mech and not just any the famous Gipsy Danger. She didn’t know much about the other robots because this was far beyond her when she was created in Atlantis, she knew it was possible, but never actually got to know one; in fact, the only mechs she knew were quite evil from both her side of the tracks and Godzilla’s. Gamera sighed a little and put her hand up to stop the woman from talking right then taking a deep breath and then starting to talk. “I know who you are Gipsy you’re quite famous for doing a lot of good things in this world, but let’s get this out of the way, I don’t trust you by instinct no offense because I don’t know you, but the first real Mecha I’ve met was that abomination humans created from the first Godzilla’s cells. That being said what's happening off the shore of Tokyo you should know their Kaiju you’ve dealt with before, Otachi” She explained, taking a step back looking very serious at Gipsy “I want to believe you’re not like that Frankenstein creation, so if you wish to come with me to scope out the issue I’d like you to stay in front of me, nothing personal but hunting my kind is in your job description” Gamera spoke her peace as she was known to do and sighed again Her title was the savior of children or the guardian of the universe, but those weren’t her intended purpose at all, she was in charge of keeping the balance between everything on the planet. Mindless feral Kaiju threaten to tip the balance by preying on the humans and other creatures so she has been known to stop them this unintentionally earning her nicknames; If humans tip the balance of nature, she wouldn’t hesitate to curb them as well they’ve come so very close in the past.