[center][h3][color=orange]Hibiki Toho[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WUJO7Px.png[/img][/center] That was a strange turn of events, but Hibiki was happy at the results. She was worried that one day she'd have to return Train, but now he was hers! She just needed to figure out how to keep the cat at her place. Picking up and petting Train, Itusko's friend thanked her for taking care of Itusko. [color=orange]"I-it's not a problem! I'm glad to have her as a friend. Ah... I'm sorry, but I don't think I quite heard your name."[/color] Hibiki bowed her head towards Itusko's friend. [color=orange]"My name is Toho Hibiki, I go to Purple Crown Academy with Itusko. I've just met her today, so I don't know much about her... Friends. I don't know much about her friends."[/color] Hibiki didn't want to sound like she was a complete stranger to Itusko even if she was. She was trying to change that after all. However there was still the matter of Itsuko. That cracked rib sound bad, and Hibiki didn't want her to strain herself on Hibiki's behalf. [color=orange]"Itsuko, are you okay? If you want, I don't mind just hanging out at your place. We can always go out later."[/color] [@KoL][@TheWindel]