[center][h1]Abe Varker[/h1][/center] [center][i]post addition by [sub][@Mercenary Lord][/sub][/i][/center] It would be great if people would stop touching him so he could try and pick up the fucking scraps of his life's work. He unceremoniously straightened, ignoring the weird kid who'd just touched him who [i]literally could not have even been an adult yet[/i], and put his attention on the other girl. The newer one with the straight hair, who had at least been marginally cordial to him. "Sorry," he grumbled--everything he said seemed to be grumbled right about now--"I was planing to restock on medical supplies as well, but that kind of fell through. You can not believe me all you want, but there's literally nothing on this ship that could be useful on the ground. It's a shell right now: electrics are fried, fuel is gone, food and medical are empty, and the mounted guns don't fire without power. You're welcome to look in the cargo holds: if there is anything useful, it'd be in there, but don't hold your breath." He sighed, as if to emphasize the statement. [hr] [center][img]http://www.dotgotit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/tumblr_nn6mgrM5yT1rs727lo1_1280-259x300.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Gabriel Rojas[/h1][/center] Gabriel could feel the hair raising on the back of his neck as another girl approached and spoke, her dead monotone rather unsettling. She was like like one of those high functioning bots that some Inquisitors used for menial tasks. Yeesh. Not someone he wanted to hang around very long. He quietly busied himself with looking up into the landing struts. He let out a low whistle, “A lot of that shit is melted together. But you’re right, that’s not the important thing at the moment..” he mused, rubbing his fingers against his jaw in contemplation. The old man had an idea about rigging up a lightning rod though. With a huff he jumped up the landing strut as far as he could, grabbing onto whatever ridge or bit of warped metal that he could to climb up the side of the ship. He had pretty rudimentary knowledge about conduction and electricity, but if they could put up their lightning rod in an optimal place to put some juice back into the ship instead of just creating one giant electrocution box, maybe they could get the systems back online. Would that mean they could be tracked, though? He had a feeling that Abe seemed like the type who liked to be.. off grid. He paused in his climb halfway up the side of the ship, spotting some sort of port that seemed to be a source point where the circuitry for multiple systems met. Gabe let out a contemplative hum, glancing up at the silent solar panels as the breeze whistled around them, then began his dissension back to the ground. Gabriel dropped to the ground with a soft grunt, noticing a girl who was curling up to Abe in an.. uncomfortably suggestive manner. Like a cat at a milk saucer. He raised an eyebrow; she was obviously up to something, this wasn’t exactly the time to try and shag anyone, “Aye, [i]mami chula[/i], might wanna hit on someone who [i]couldn ‘t[/i] be your dad.” he grinned, dimples flashing in his cheeks. “[i]Anciano[/i], I think your lightning idea is the best bet we have so far.” He shrugged, crossing his arms and leaning against the hull, “I spotted a place we could stick the rod that should work. If that doesn’t work then at least we’ll have a nice big ol’ fire going.”