The Doctor was looking at her. She was glad that he did care so much about him. "Thank you Rose." he knew that he would sleep so much better in a bed, He hugged her a bit. "My Rose Tyler." He wasn't sure what he was going to do to get his mental state back on track. He knew been so sleep deprived wouldn't help, He hoped he would be able to think clearer after a good nights sleep, He smiled and then headed to bed laying down and fell asleep. He knew working on the TARDIS would very much depend if the smoke had gone, till then it was up to his ship. He rolled over in bed and curled up in the covers, He was having more nightmares and he awoke at Midnight gasping. He wished he could sleep through. Dreams were making it hard to do that. Knowing he needed to rest more he went back to bed and slept till 10am, when he was normally awake way before then.