[color=F4A460][b]E'nasha Williams[/b][/color] [color=F4A460]"Um, trees aren't exactly vengeful, but I think I can see what you mean."[/color] E'nasha couldn't help but laugh at the thought of trees rising up to fight for their fallen 'brothers', although Baulder's own laughter also seemed very contagious. For a moment she wondered why she didn't go out and talk to people more often. This was fun, and she didn't feel weighed down at all as she spoke with Baulder, unlike pretty much every other encounter she had with people in general. She was brought out of her thoughts as Baulder asked about El'kan. Now this question wouldn't have seemed strange at all, if Baulder hadn't seemed so nervous while asking. [color=F4A460]"Well, we're both from the same small village back in Yarosmere, and we've been living together ever since we found out that we both could use mageblood, traveling here to the college together. I guess, he is like a brother to me but we're not related by blood at all."[/color] Baulder's last statement confused her slightly, she'd never heard anyone say anything about their names being similar before, and again he seemed so nervous asking. She smiled kindly as she continued talking, trying to defuse some of that nervousness. [color=F4A460]"I don't mind answering your questions, that is part of conversation after all, right? And as for our names, I guess they do sound kind of similar the way we say them, but our full names are completely different. I'm Emmika Nash-Williams which is shortened to E'nasha, and El'kan is really Ellin Ka-Rovis. The compound names are a traditional way of keeping track of lineage in our village, and I have no idea if any other people in Yarosmere or even the rest of Tiien do this or not, but it works fine for us."[/color] E'nasha listened as Baulder started listing off things they could do together, some of which sounded fun, some dangerous, and some.. Baulder-ish? [color=F4A460]"I'd prefer to stay in the college if we could please."[/color] She smiled awkwardly as she spoke. She'd had enough of randomly-appearing monsters and such since she'd gotten to the college, she wasn't about to go out and invite another encounter with one. [color=F4A460]"Where in the college haven't you been yet? I've been pretty much everywhere already, maybe there's a cool place I could show you, or we could just wander around for a while. Honestly, tipping over a golem sounds like it might be fun, but I don't think making one of those things angrier than they already are is a very good idea... "[/color] She trailed off as she thought. She wasn't very good with swords, or weapons in general, maybe some sword practice would be good for her. It could be fun and educational at the same time. [color=F4A460]"Sword training sounds interesting. I don't really use weapons much, if I have to fight I normally try to use magic to trap or disarm my opponent before they can get to me. Maybe you could teach me something?"[/color]