While I would have liked at least [@Ashgan]'s response as well, I don't really feel as though I can delay reacting to your feedback anymore, so here I go. Thank you, obviously, for your assurances, and thank you for your thoughts on the subject as well. It's good to see everyone posting in the OOC, and in case there was ever any doubt there is an eternally open invitation to do so whenever you want, about whatever you want; anything, frankly, that works as evidence that the RP is still alive and to amuse and intrigue everyone involved, even if the IC pace is slow. Now, the recommendations you've given me... [QUOTE=Rhaevnn Xeno]To answer your question - what needs to be done, I believe, is perhaps a more strict posting requirement. I'm not sure what this would like, as I'm not sure of what severity this posting requirement should be, but I do believe [i]something[/i] needs to be implemented.[/QUOTE] I've taken this into consideration in regards to some of the changes listed at the end of this post, but actually imposing a posting requirement is something that I've been reluctant to do from the very start, even if it is something that I think a lot of GMs use specifically to sustain the flow of the RP and keep their players active. The problem is that as soon as an actual deadline is established, many things for a lot of people - a decrease in creativity and fun possible, an increase in stress - are negatively impacted. It conflicts with the message that I have tried to convey from the very start on "real life comes first", so I'm afraid this - in its exact form - is not something I'll ever want to do. That said, however, you are correct: something needs to be implemented. More on that later. [QUOTE=Mercunis3] From looking in the past couple of pages of the IC, there is one thing that is in common with all three of the storylines: They do appear to be in a conversation with each other. It doesn't appear to show a sense of urgency with the further progress of the stories apart from further information for characters to consider.I would say perhaps getting some form of an event to bring things out of this lull would probably help with the RP.[/QUOTE] Shien already expressed some of what I think about this, concerning the fact that dialogue can be interesting - particularly if it concerns important subjects - and that non-stop fighting can be a chore as well. There is also the fact that it would be (forgive me for including a bad word) [I]unrealistic[/I], irrelevant though such a property seems to be particularly in fantasy, if the action happened all the time. For all the clichés and tropes featured in the RP, I'm still reluctant to include random enemies behind every corner and a landscape ripe with inexplicably untouched ruins, dungeons and caves in a land with an apparent surplus of adventurers and vigilantes. To be honest the main branch - the one on the road to Zerul City - has already seen a fairly unrealistic amount of action compared to the IC time that has passed, as the thoughts of the characters frequently remind me. The characters have pretty much been [I]begging[/I] me to give them a chance to breathe, and I really can't imagine that their stance on this or the enjoyment gotten from playing them would improve if they were to be exhausted even further. Action is coming, [I]particularly[/I] once the main group's long prophesied arrival to Zerul City comes to pass and I have some more wriggle-room. Honestly, I'm not even sure [I]what[/I] I would do to inject a further sense of urgency into the current three story branches. Whatever I do with the main group Aemoten still needs to wake up, and beyond him resting they have actually been fairly focused on getting to Zerul City. At the Drunken Dove, those three have already [I]just[/I] fought Fixer and subsequently had an unfortunate brief but intense clash with Rose of the Sisters of Torment, and are currently in the company of two very powerful and famous allies in the middle of a population center. Jillian and Gerald just escaped the Battle of Anaxim Forest and have been making deals that have allowed them to learn the full truth of the Withering and how to end it, and - on top of being in a secluded area, in the company of two powerful allies, one of which is probably imposing enough to make would-be meddlers reconsider what they're doing with their lives - are speaking with a projection of the Grand Master himself. Though the OOC tension has gotten low due to delay between posts, the IC tension is practically at the breaking point; even in Ixion's own branch the characters seem pretty weary and to want nothing more than to get some sleep. Hmm... I also realize that I've lost track of [I]when[/I] the different branches are again. Damn. There has been said more in PM, but I'm not going to quote or respond to those things here. I have your advice now, however, and I have decided to make a few changes to the OP to reflect the efforts to improve the flow of the RP: To begin with I renamed the "Rules" section "Guidelines", since that is more in line with reality and better reflects my stance on the various entries there. Additionally I've also moved the statement of the player-limit out of said section and further up, to just beneath the introduction. I've removed the entry I previously quoted about giving a warning if one is delayed by four days, and replaced it with: [QUOTE]- Once it is your turn to post, please [I]at least[/I] give a situation- and/or progress-report if you are delayed from posting by a week, and another periodically at least once a week from then, if the delay becomes extreme. If you expect to be unable to post for two weeks or more, please tell us in advance.[/QUOTE] On the same topic I added another guideline: [QUOTE]- If you find yourself unable to post for a long period of time (a month or more), please consider allowing for your character to be carried during your incapacitation, preferably while giving relatively brief and manageable instructions on how to handle this OOC.[/QUOTE] And finally, one last additional guideline: [QUOTE]- [I]Communicate.[/I] If there is any doubt as to which player is the next to post, please address this doubt OOC as soon as possible; ask if the other player intends to post rather than waiting to see if they will. In fact if you have questions in general, don't hold back: a question asked is potentially a mistake avoided.[/QUOTE] That's about it. Thank you again for your assurances and your input.