Can't wait for this little shit to die, destroy him [hider=K9 member Thorn] [center][img][/img] [h2][color=lightblue]Miles Hemlock[/color] | "[color=lightblue]Thorn[/color]" | [color=lightblue]32[/color][/h2][/center] [color=lightblue][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Miles has steely blue eyes, usually framed by a set a dark glasses. His hair is long and straight, but it's usually messily put together in a pony tail or bun. Color-wise, his hair is dark brown, but he's already dealing with some premature streaks of grey. He lies and says he hates it, and will come up with some lame excuse if someone suggests dying it. He has a narrow, soft face, easily pegged as attractive. Decorating his face and arms are various freckles, creating an oddly cute atmosphere to the assassin's appearance--as if his small stature didn't do that already. Still, even his friendliest smiles can seem..disarming. [color=lightblue][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'6" [color=lightblue][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 140 lb [color=lightblue][b]Physical Abilities/Skills:[/b][/color] Due to his size and nature, melee is NOT Miles' strongest suit. However, put a gun in his hands and he's pretty good; his favorite are sniping rifles. Put poison in his hand and he's even more comfortable. To put it simply, Miles is the guy you want infiltrating a ball or the highest floor in a skyscraper, not 1v1'ing Helga the body builder. [color=lightblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] While he's friendly, it usually doesn't take someone perceptive long to get a "bad vibe" from Miles. Although he's small and less than intimidating in physical appearance, his eyes are cold and his smile knowing. He doesn't really intend to be so creepy, but his small stature can't contain all the malice and cold blood. In addition to this, he's unapologetically flirty with any gender. Once Miles grows comfortable with you--as in, if you're one of the 9--he's not friendly anymore: he's snarky and rude and [i]pretentious[/i]. His flirting becomes borderline harassment. But if he's being himself with you, he trusts and cares about you, a "blessing" very few people get. Outside of his interactions with others, he's cool and analytical. He's also closet anime trash. [color=lightblue][b]Background:[/b][/color] Miles was born into wealth, and while he [s]was[/s] is a brat, he could not stand the old white money atmosphere he was raised into. And while he will explain that [i]this[/i] is the reason he left home, he was also sick of having to hide his sexuality. But that's cliche, and he leaves this out when asked. So at eighteen, he cut ties with his family (mother, father, little sister) and began working to make his own way. While he struggled at first, he eventually managed to put himself through college thanks to the formation of K9, his focus of study in botany and biology. After school, he bought and worked in his own florist shop, The Tilted Tulip. This is his personal "base." It makes a decent front, pulls in some extra cash, and gives him access to a variety of plants he can craft into poison as he needs. [color=lightblue][b]Theme Music:[/b][/color] [url=]Wires[/url] by The Neighbourhood [url=]Ex's and Oh's[/url] by Elle King It's [url=]not[/url] theme music, but it's more aesthetic/depth to the character if anyone's interested. [/hider]