*Sigh* I'm so sorry, friends, for my absence. This past week has been an absolute [i][b]nightmare[/b][/i]. I only just arrived home last night after a bunch of Spanish Police stuffs and Airport stuffs and UK Embassy stuffs that I've had to deal with. But I am happy to say that it has all been sorted and I'm completely in the clear. ([i]Even despite my friend's best efforts to the contrary. -.-[/i]) I want to apologise for leaving you in the lurch like that and I understand if you've become disheartened with this RP due to my absence. I don't want to make excuses as to why I couldn't let you guys know anything sooner but in all honesty, this RP wasn't really the main thing on my mind whilst I was trying to avoid being imprisoned abroad. But enough about that. Moving forward, I'm will be going through everything that I've missed in these last 2 weeks or so, responding to PMs and then hopefully writing up a new post. I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to those of you who've decided to stick around and especially [@DeadBeatWalking] who I was able to relay a message to with the limited internet I could find. ([i]RPG was blocked on the WiFi I was using for whatever reason.[/i]) I need some time to get my head back into writing mode and I'm also currently looking for a new job, so life is hitting me pretty damn hard right now. However, I really want to get this ball rolling again so I'll try to get a new post up either tonight or tomorrow.