[color=orange][center][h1]Vincent James McGarth[/h1][/center][/color] A smile played across Vincent's face as he watched Erin from a distance. Physical the girl was 17 year old but right at this moment one could swear that she was acting much like a small child would with their very first wedding. The teenager would only move somewhere after looking toward the older brother with a puppy eye look, as if begging for permission, then move after a encouraging head nod. During the wedding he thought it was because the young woman had somehow sensed something was off hence the strange behavior displayed now. Yet now as the man watched her he wonder if it wasn't something else that was beginning to bug the lighter half. The man compiled a list of things before shaking his head clear the strange thoughts from his mind. A sudden tug on the dress shirt the guy wore forced one eye to slowly open. [Color=skyblue]” Something might be wrong Vincent.”[/color] the youngest sister stated in their native tongue, which turned his smile into more of a Chester cat grin, while a response formed on his tongue. [Color=orange]” I see. Looks like there is work to be done then. I'm assuming you told me this so I would allow you to come with me correct?”[/color] the older brother responded in Irish receiving a nod from the teenager. [Color=orange]” Speak only in Irish. I'll translate for everyone else inside the room and please stay where I can see you. If you get scared than hide behind me or Nikki. Deal?”[/color] another one was received before the two walked toward the cafeteria. [color=f49ac2]"Hello, I hear you got separated from your people? I'm Nikki Hyatt. What is your name?" [/color] Nikki's voice sounded like music to the man's ears as Vincent walked inside with Erin following behind. [Color=orange]” Looks like you're the same as usual Nikki. Not that it's a bad thing for a woman such as yourself.”[/color] he said covering his tracks. The man felt a hand brush past his side before turning his head around toward Nikki, noting the lighter half was hiding behind the woman as if a scared child would for their mother, making him wonder why. The young man waited for the newly arrived person’s answer. Something didn't feel right with the smile upon his face. It was as if the man was glad to be here, which could spell out trouble for everyone one. The older brother walked forward and stopped right beside the leader just to feel his little sister's arms wrapping around his waist from the corner of his eye. The younger man placed one hand on top of her head as the other embraced her into a hug. [@Belle][@Wick][@alexfangtalon]