[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rae&name=Signerica_Thin.ttf&size=60&style_color=DBA0DB[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NVS1caS.jpg?1[/img] [@phunkyphoebe] [hr][hr][/center] Rae shared a wicked smile with Isabel at the other girl's words. Who exactly said tall and grumpy was the only one with a weapon? She still had a trick or two hidden between the plating of her biotech. That firearm was potentially an issue, though. He didn't seem all that trigger-happy, but it never hurt to be cautious. The curmudgeon in question then had the nerve to actually [i]call them out[/i]. Rae raised an unimpressed eyebrow as he turned back to the ship, annoyance growing inside her. Now she [i]sure as hell[/i] was gonna poke around the ship. If he wanted to start something she could take him, illegal gun or no. But before she could do more than narrow her eyes at his back, the prime bitch of juvie stomped her way over to Rae and Isabel. Rae was getting real goddamn tired of people barking orders at her. And where the hell did [i]Athena[/i] get off? Rae would trust gramps with the gun over Athena any day. But if the bitch wanted to get herself shot while they went exploring, then that was fine with Rae. She glanced over to Isabel. [color=plum]"Come on."[/color] She started heading towards the ship, careful to stay out of the man's line of sight. Creeping onto the ship, Rae started looking around. Aside from the part where it'd gone barreling into the planet's crust, and how the outside was black and scorched after burning through the atmosphere though, the ship was in astonishingly good condition. It wasn't long before they found what must've been the ship's cargo hold, and Rae's eyes lit up at the treasures hidden away there. [color=plum]"Oooh,"[/color] she cooed. [color=plum]"Hello, there."[/color] Her slender hands curled around a rifle. It was an older model, bolt action with a scope, black and clean. Rae brought the butt against her shoulder and lined up her eye to the sight. She hadn't used one of these since before her arrest. [color=plum]"Yup, I think we're gonna get along fine,"[/color] she said to her new friend. She'd have to take it apart to make sure it'd been properly maintained, but it looked to be in good condition. Her mouth skewed though as she relaxed and looked down at it. Rae had used guns before, sure. But she'd never had to use one to survive. She'd never been stranded on an alien planet before. Then again, not many had. At least, not many who went on to tell stories. For a brief moment Rae let the reality of the situation wash over her. Then she shoved it down. Turning her attention away from the rifle, she started scanning the room for ammo. She'd just found a few boxes of it when the unmistakable sound of a scream pierced the ship's hull. Rae straightened to attention immediately. [color=plum]"That didn't sound good."[/color]