[color=ed1c24]"H-ha!"[/color] LL scoffed, catching up with the speakers after a short stop to pose for a photographer. [color=ed1c24]"Don't even sweat it, you guy."[/color] He gave Nergal a strong pat on the back. [color=ed1c24]"All this "watch-out-never-lose-your-cool" talk is just pish-posh. Only the guys without actual superpowers like all those tinkers and thinkers need to PREPARE." - It was completely impossible to discern whether the half-naked guy was taunting them or war actually serious - his face seemed completely unreadable behind the mask of joy and excitement. - "For us cool people capes aren't more dangerous than normal police. Just..."[/color] He paused for a bit and made an awkward gesture, [color=ed1c24]"Don't get shot and you're pretty much set? Or punched. Or actually do. If someone gets all close to you, he's fucking toast, right? You just need to touch them - i bet no kind of superdurability will do jack against what you pack." [/color] Loud Love suddenly looked Nergal right in the eye, intently and even unnveringly, as if he wanted to drill a hole in his skull: [color=ed1c24]"But can you actually handle that, m-m-m? Have you ever been the one to, uh, attack first? Kill for something other than self-defense? That's a really bad thing to do, you know?[/color]