[center][h2][color=98fb98]Rya Mira [/color][/h2][/center] [center][sub] "Wife/SisterBride" of [color=skyblue]Aeila Snowblood[/color][@NarcissisticPotato] and [color=8493ca] Azilon Dantanath [/color][@WeepingLiberty] and current stalker of [color=ed1c24]Lugft Huron[/color] [@agentmanatee] Husband to Aerienna Cassiel [@RomanAria] and Atallia Faeron [@NarcissisticPotato] and [@darkwolf687] might belong somewhere in here too, I don’t even know at this point. [/sub][/center] Rya listened to Scoot, enough so that she was able to respond with actual words and questions, rather than the hmms and ahs of someone only half listening. But her questions stayed boring and basic as the rest of her mind whirled around trying to comprehend the past few hours of her life. [Color=98FB98] “What do I feel about all this….” [/color]She said, an audible breath of air escaping as she thought over her answer. [Color=98FB98] “I don’t know if you ever…. Well, back home we have a game that we play with an empty cow stomach. We would kill some of the cows for meat. And we didn’t really use the stomachs for food… When the stomachs are still kinda of wet, you can fill them up with air. They don’t float, but they fall to the ground a lot slower than other objects. Anyway, my siblings and I would play a silly game, we didn’t even give it a name, but the point was to keep batting the stomach up into the air, to keep it from touch the ground. When it did touch the ground it would usually explode. That’s how I feel,” [/color] She paused, before realizing that her answer probably didn’t make much sense. [Color=98FB98] “What I mean is… I’m trying to keep myself from thinking about it through any means necessary. I mean, like, if can keep myself in the air, not thinking too deeply about the problem and …denying it…then I am alright. Everything is fine and I am okay. I know I can’t do it forever, I’ve already lost it once and that is how I messed up my hand. But… I don’t know what else to do, but allowing myself to be destructive and angry doesn’t seem like a very good idea,”[/color] She paused for a second, swallowing back another response. [Color=98FB98] “I and don’t want to cry either. Maybe we should head back to eat now,” [/color] her voice was shorter than it had been even a moment before and she moved a little bit faster. [Color=98FB98] “So, you seem to know Azlion fairly well. I mean…you are around him a lot…what can I expect...do you think being his bride? Also, if he didn’t want brides, then why did he even come here, surely not for the social scene if last night was any example,”[/color] As she spoke, her word started to come out faster and faster. When Scoot had finished answering her bombardment of questions, Rya opened her mouth to ask more when a scream went across the room. On the far side of the room, a Drakken lord seemed to be distracted by an emotional Gem. She missed most of what was said, but the just seemed to be that one Gem was trying to escape and the other one had told on her. A warm and painful feeling started to spread inside her stomach. It was anger mostly, anger at the Gem who told, then one who seemed to want to be a good little pet. Not only was she so willing to degrade herself, but she was actively stopping another Gem from making her break for freedom. For home. That lead into the other emotion she was feeling. Pity and fear. Fear for what the fate of the other Gem might be. If caught, this Gem would be hurt or worse. Probably worse. And then, in the smallest corner of her emotional range was a little bit of hope. Because if this Gem was able to escape her Master Husband, then that would make it possible for the rest of them. [Color=98FB98]”We can get back to the rooms this way, right?”[/color] said Rya, pointing in the same direction that Lugft went, before following quickly without waiting for a proper response. [center][h3][color=808000]Exon[/color][/h3][sub]Husband of [color=ed145b]Nadia[/color] ([@Vesuvius00]) [color=33d6c2]Saisri[/color] ([@RomanAria])[/sub][/center] Exon awoke before the sun. Which wasn’t that unusual, his work often called him away in the early hours of the day. Even on his off days, he wasn’t one to lay around in bed after waking up, there was too much to do in the day to waste time like that. But, as he looked down at his new sleeping wife, he couldn’t quite bring himself to pull away. Although Saisri was sleeping, she had still put as much distance between herself and him as Exon would allow. Saisri had made it clear with her change of behavior that she disagreed with his treatment of Nadia last night. There was a part of him that agreed, only because Nadia was new to this world. But Exon also knew that he would do his new wives no favors by shielding them from the reality of their new lives. They would be different, that wasn’t the same as unpleasant. Not if they didn’t make them that way. After watching his sleeping wife a few more minutes, Exon finally rose and got himself ready for the days travel. [color=808000]”Awake, my wives,”[/color] he said, once his own belongs were packed away. [color=808000] “We will leave right after breakfast, I suggest you eat a lot, the trip will be hard and you will need your energy, oh, and little one,”[/color] said Exon, looking at Nadia. [color=808000] “Please don’t forget your punishment,”[/color] with that he took a seat by the now dead fire, waiting to take his wives down for food. That never happened. Once his wives were dressed a loud commotion came from the hallway as an angry Drakkon made a fuss about a runaway wife or something. An idea sparked in Exon’s head. If his wives found him so unjust, perhaps he should give them a chance to see what they really had to fear. [color=808000] “Come,”[/color] he ordered to both of them, taking Saisri by the arm and pushing Nadia to walk just in front of him. [color=808000] “There is something I think you both should see,”[/color] [hider=tldr] Rya: Has anger issues and no sense of how to care for herself. Follows angry lords to cheer for runaway brides. Exon: Thinks his wives should start thanking him for his kindness by showing them what he [i]could[/i] have been like [/hider]