[center][h2][color=aba000]King Ghidorah[/color][/h2][/center] The fear in her eyes. The timidity of her stance. The way the younger Gojira seemed to curl into herself in his presence. This feeling... how intoxicating it was. It was what drove him, the reasoning for all of his destruction. Venus, Earth, and every other planet that had lain in his path. The subjugation of the prey in the presence of a higher being, their predator. The hunt. The battle. The kill. His grin nearly cracked into a menacing smile, which in turn would have revealed his mouth full of sharp teeth for ripping and tearing, but not quite. He pulled himself back inward, kept himself in check, reminded himself that he no longer hunted the worlds of the universe... As much as his instinct flared to [i]tear the child in front of him to bloody pieces.[/i] Instead, he brought to his notice that the young Gojira seemed to have glossed over his other request: for her to join him elsewhere. Despite his will, his grin grew wider. Intriguing. The young one knew the hidden boundary despite her usual naivete. Not trusting the Thousand Year Old Dragon was the wisest choice she could have made. He was well known, by her own mother no less, and famed for attacking human cities to annihilate the human race. Although he had [i]officially[/i] joined the other kaiju in protecting the human race, only a fool would believe that he had completely turned a new leaf. Of course, the only reason someone as prideful and determined as him would ally with his enemies would be for a hidden agenda. [color=aba000]"You seem very tense, young princess,"[/color] Ghidorah replied, instead of answering her question. He moved a step towards her, allowing a touch that merely ghosted across her forehead, brushing her bangs away with feather-like grace even as they seemed to burn with an inner fire. The rumbling of thunder rolled from his chest, out of his mouth, and into the open air. A chuckle, but not quite. [color=aba000]"Are you feeling sick, or are you just happy to see me?"[/color] The devious grin turned to a mocking smirk, amusement alight within his amber orbs even as he finally pulls his hand away, tracing her jawline with a gentleness that held untapped power within it. [@Lmpkio]