The gunshot echoed across the valley. The mouse squeaked in fear, and then scuttled away back into the bushes from whence it had come. Suddenly all that was left was the fading echoes of the gunshot, the trees and brush, and the bridge full of insane gizmos. That is, until something in the trees moved. Something [i]enormous[/i]. [url=]It[/url] stepped into sight, breaking down a small tree as it did so. An Ogre with a feircesome club. The monster gazed around, looking for whatever had made such a noise. [hr] Kayden looked to Cassilda, impressed. He gave her a nod, and then motioned for the others to be quiet with a gesture to his lips. Signalling for Laila first, he drew his sword as quietly as he could and softly waded into the small tomb-like hallway that was before them. A flickering torchlight could be seen from within the first room, and Kayden peeked around the corner. Two men sat at an oak table playing cards just under the torch that had been placed along the wall. Behind them were cells, 3 of them. The room was dark save the single source of light, and it illuminated the two men and their armaments. They were unremarkable looking fellows. The one of the left had a scar across the left side of his face. The cutthroats wore light armor of leather and had arming swords at their sides. They looked to be completely engrossed in their game to notice much far. [hr] Zinvalur's bola suddenly whipped out of the treeline and wrapped about the front Gnoll's legs, his rusted scimitar leaving his grasp as it fell with a surprised yelp. A grey furred Gnoll next to it let out a roar, and leaped past its fallen comrade towards Zin's general vicinity, searching for whatever dared to attack. The back Gnoll with the twin Axes received a huge arrow at the center of its chest. The action was followed by Jex landing upon the ground and taking out his huge Axe, hissing a challenge at the others.