[h2] GM Post[/h2] Once everyone had been gathered in the spacious auditorium, a door at the far wall smoothly slid open to reveal a young woman who had yet to be introduced to the group. Tall and exceedingly beautiful, she looked better suited to having her face plastered on billboards and television screens than she did to be teaching a bunch of teenagers. The door then slid closed behind her the moment she stepped through, before anyone could get a better look as to where it led. She wordlessly walked towards her audience, her slender figure and the deceptive grace of her movements belying the fact that she was highly trained for combat. Expression inscrutable, the woman stopped a polite distance away from those that had been gathered and swept her glacial blue eyes over them in an assessing gaze. Of course, she didn't particularly need to. Nilin had made it a point to read up on those she would be mentoring, carefully going over each one's file that had been so kindly provided for her. The institute was nothing if not efficient. “Good morning, everyone.” A brief, professional smile flitted across her face as she greeted them. “As you've already heard from Elisa, you will be starting group sessions to help with your abilities. I'm going to be your mentor in this regard, starting from today. You may call me Nilin.” Little more than twenty one years of age, the young woman wasn't more than a few years older than those she was to teach. She too had been in their place not too long ago, though it felt to her like an eternity had passed since then. “Before any of you raise the question as to why I'm better suited to this task than your counselors, it's because I too have powers. This institute is where I was taught to control my powers so that I wouldn't endanger myself or those around me.” “If you have any questions pertaining to our session, I would be happy to answer them before we begin.”