[quote=@Rex] [@JohnSolaris] so the elemental hazards have no effect on them. unless they fall in lava. then they die. [/quote] So what exactly determines what's harmful and what's not? For example, lava is only 700 to 1200 degrees Celsius. What if a room's temperature is hotter than that, but doesn't have lava? What about other types of hazards, e.g. acidic vapor vs. pools of acid? For consistency, I'd suggest that a human's digital body has damage resistance that scales with the levels of their Pokemon partner(s). So as the Pokemons grow stronger, so do the humans, and can survive in harsher conditions. Does a human's digital body regenerate from damage as well? Say, if a character gets his arm cut off or something. And can it purge extraneous substances from itself, e.g. a Pokemon's poison?