[quote=@Ryonara] I'm still alive. [@Fallenreaper] would Meirin ever have a chance to teach Lyn anything? I'd imagine that Meirin would have given the girl many lessons on some basic self-defense, mostly stuff like how to escape being grabbed and taking punches. [/quote] Well we're on Summer/Spring I believe and the next timeskip is Winter so a few months would've passed. So it's prefectly possible and Lyn would love that. Anyone wanting to teach her something is fully able as long as you contact me and inform me of what she might've learned. [quote=@EliteCommander] How much of a timeskip will this be, exactly? I cannot remember entirely what point we're at in the story. I think more time has actually passed IRL than IC. [/quote] Yeah, over all arc story I believe we're getting into the actual stuff relating to the main story. This means more big group missions and relating to cause and effect. As honestly, this rp is pretty lax in pacing hun.