[@arockysmith][@KatherinWinter][@olcharlieboi] Listening to both the new girl and Roxy, Zo kept his arms crossed [b]"There's plenty ass whoopins will coming in the future. And your gem is located behind your neck huh? Mine is on my chest, in front of my heart."[/b] he responded. [b]"What all can you do with your ice so far? can you cause a snow storm or something?"[/b] Zo was very curious as to what people were truly capable of with their powers. He was not afraid to ask and wanted to get to know his teammates. Even looking over to Roxy [b]"I still don't think I know your name yet, babes..."[/b] hearing Charles, Zo looked over [b]"Nah...I ain't got a knife...but I can rip that bastard open though.."[/b]