"What?! That's it!? Smash and grab!?!? Are you kidding me!?!?!?" She whispered desperately at the communicator. "Hello? Hello!? I know you can hear me you son of a bit-" Then the explosion happened, and Phone Freak took a few moments to let the cold knowledge that she was going to be put on a terrorist watch list seep into her mind. She watched as the wearwolf ran off. This was her life now, she decided: strapped to the top of a runaway train, driven by an idiot, that was about to jump the tracks and wipe out an entire preschool. "Damn it. Damn it. Shit!" Then she took off. Her legs pounding on the pavement she fumbled fir her phone. Not her real phone. Her work phone. The Spellphone flipped open in front of her. It was blue, its screen displayed no background, and the numbers on the dial-pad had been replaced with arcane symbols that, when pressed in the correct order, should channel one of the spells built in to the phone. She dialed quickly, swept the phone out in front of her, and hit "Cast." What leaped out of the phone wasn't so much an image or a shape. The first thing to come out was a noise. An oppressive sound filled the entire area that seemed to try and push its way past your eardrums and drive directly into your brain. It sounded like a dial-tone, and radio static, and a muffled scream all mixed into a single noise, and if you really listened occasionally you could make out a snippet of conversation. A word here, a sigh there, the stuttery little ums and ahs that never make it into the movies, and in the midst of it all those noises floated clumps of that awful silence that occurs when no one can think of anything to say. It filled the area for a moment, drowning out the distant screams and panic, before it began to move away. Compress. Coalesce. All the sound that was released gathered up in front of Phone Freak, causing air to bend and ripple in unnatural ways until you could make out the shape of a thing, a vague outline in the air. Then the outline came together as the noise pushed all the air out of its way. A creature stood there. A huge man, over twice Phone Freaks size, green skinned, covered in stitches, and spindly like a spider. It wore a long white coat, torn and stained red and brown and yellow. Out of its back grew six additional arms, and in each malformed hand was a separate item. A handful of scalpels, a huge needle filled with a sloshing red liquid, an oxygen mask attached to a large cylinder that dragged along the ground, an orange bottle that rattled in the things shaky hand, a clipboard, and a long sewing needle with a thread that disappeared up its sleeve. It was wearing a face mask, had sunken eyes, and a stethoscope was fused to the things head in place of ears. Despite everything the creature didn't radiate bloodlust or fury. Sadness seemed to roll off it in waves, and it shivered like a leaf. Phone Freak grunted as she felt the connection between her and it spring to life. They were hard to get into this world, but once they were here it took shockingly little power to maintain them. You could find some variant of Dr. Bad News here in any city with a working hospital and most that didn't. People got bad news from a hospital all the time, and neither the giver nor the received enjoyed it. The collective despair and dread of every cancer patient, every person who prayed for good news and was left hanging, every person that was terrified of what the doctor was going to say. You don't just get rid of emotions like that. They stay trapped in the lines, growing, and if some young Technomancer finds that ever growing clump of negativity she can put it to work. "Go." She said. The Dr. Bad News let out a mournful wail and plowed through the front of the bank, scattering glass everywhere. People, already disoriented from the explosion and the noise, fell back and scattered. A security guard went for his gun and the Doctor threw out its stitching needle. It struck the poor man right in the arm, poking out the other side. The man dropped his gun as the Doctor yanked the cord, drawing the poor man into its grasp and holding him against the ground. Phone Freak stepped out from around the creature and rushed up to the dropped gun. She pointed it into the air, letting off three shots into the air and willing the speakers on her mask to maximum volume. "EVERYBODY BE COOL THIS IS A ROBBERY. I DON"T WANT YOUR LIVES, JUST YOUR MONEY." This didn't have the result she expected. Usually people stopped panicking, or at least stopped doing it so loudly, when she spoke in a clear authoritative voice and there was a monster growling at them over her shoulder to drive the point home. There was no effect here, and as two more guard lined up shots she realized why. "OH SHIT, I DON'T SPEAK GERMAN!" She said, diving for cover as the two opened fire. Dr. Bad News let out another wail and rushed forward, backhanding the men across the room. Phone Freak turned back to the entrance, to her cohorts. "ANYBODY SPEAK GERMAN?"