[@Nukoduke] Fo sho. So, where to begin... The Black Guild called the Ebony Stryker's have recently reopened to the public, getting a swarm of hopefully players to join them. However shortly after reopening, they get attacked by Outlaws (PvP focused players) and even a hacker! Fortunately the Ebony Strykers manage to ward them off. Shortly after the Black Guild has some problems with a faction within the guild: The Sweepers, who before they joined, were an unofficial organization who fought against the Outlaws. However a lot of people also say the Sweepers are assassins and hackers who would attack people even in real life, so no one trusts them. A civil war broke out in the Ebony Strykers to get rid of the Sweepers, which is what is happening right now. There's a bunch of other secret stuff going on too, but you'll need to investigate that more yourself.