Ed ducked for a second because the explosion actually started him [color=0072bc]"Son of a bitch!"[/color] he exclaimed. Looking up from where he was Ed saw Phone Freak charge in with some monster thing. He got up and ran to the front entrance running past Phone Freak and to the front desk hopping over the counter and dropping his bags to the ground. Ed smirked when he saw Phone Freak fail at controlling the people, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. Reaching inside one of the duffel bags he pulled out a UMP45 loaded a fresh clip in and shot a few rounds into the air as well. [color=0072bc]"Dies ist ein Raub! Jeder bleiben ruhig wir wollen Ihr Geld nicht Ihr Leben! Bleiben Sie auf dem Boden und niemand wird verletzt!"[/color]("This is a robbery! Everyone remain calm we want your money not your lives! Stay on the ground and no one gets hurts!") he shouted over all the screaming. To his surprise it actually worked except for a few stragglers who made it to the outside. This wasn't his first time robbing in German so Ed obviously knew how to take control. Sadly he doesn't know much else for German besides that line and a few things the police would say. [color=0072bc]"Hey Phone Freak might want to take cover because when the cops show up somethings telling me that bomb scare is gonna be bringing some more than the usual."[/color] he told his teammate hoping she would do what he said. Ed proceeded to take out more guns and lay them out at his disposal of course each of them were loaded and ready. [color=0072bc]"Now we wait..."[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy]