[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ihhZg00.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=aqua]Broker Of Fortune[/color][/center][/h2] The deafening cannonade of the Cobalt Bruisers armored Corp. struck the gate of the Black City, and to a mixed reception of anger and joy on both sides of the conflict, the gate was cracked, scorched, but still stood to bar the oncoming advance. A hastily barked order was given to turn about, the column splitting to both sides and peeling back the way they came to prepare for another pass. Or at least, they would have performed a second pass if Kanbaru wasn't bombarded by three important messages...well two, but Paper Moon was showy about it. [color=aqua][i]"Hold it! Can the attack run and pull back. I want a perimeter around this gate and no one advances till I give the word."[/i][/color] Kanbaru cursed the moment she was out of Guild Speak, kicking the seat before her to spur the driver onwards. [color=aqua]"Well peacekeeping just went out the window and into a wood chipper. Damn it, of all times for Moon Rider to show up, she had to choose right bloody now."[/color] She could only console it herself that it was Moon Rider and Paper Moon taking control of the situation, and not Arms Slave, or else this would have been a phenomenal backfire. The timing off all this was damn near too perfect for words, perfect as in the perfection of a conspiracy [i]against[/i] her. Abyss Walker's sudden civil war made it impossible to just walk in unopposed, and these turrets would have made an attempt at stealth pretty damn difficult. Just as an added cherry on top, chatter came in saying that Eclipse Princess, the one she tried to warn about the evil conspiracy of Sweepers, just leapt off the wall with the girlfriend the whole world knows about in her arms and jacked someone's ride.[color=aqua][i]"Screw it, just let them go. I don't want her coming back on our rear."[/i][/color] [quote]To: Dark Wraith From: Broker of Fortune Subject: Horses are Held We're parking the cars and setting up for a long wait. The cannons are being targeted and picked off, got a few tanks circling the city to nail them around the entire bastard wall. If you, well, need a hand...then the Blue Guild issssss already here. May as well say we'll sell the resources to rebuild the cannons at half the usual rate, assuming you want them put back in. In the meantime we'll wait here till DGO WW III or peace wins out. [/quote] Broker proceeded to do just as she had reported, ordering the Cobalt Bruisers to dig into a defensible rise in the landscape while a few groups spread out to travel the circumference of the Black City, taking out turrets as they went with little trouble. She was frustrated, anxious, and left with very little to do at the moment, so she decided to get some air. They had their new marching orders, and new if they started this was then Broker would be the one to core their ride home with an HE to the radiator block. [color=aqua][i]Big Berry, hold down the fort and keep everyone's fingers off the triggers. We are waiting till I get intel from my inside source, cause this situation is all kinds of wrong.[/i][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hX23aho.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=aqua][center]Kanbaru Otoko[/center][/color][/h2] Kanbaru emerged from the haze of DGO with a yawn, stretching her arms upwards while rising from the couch. She'd been spinning her wheels in one direction or another for awhile now, and since they were liable to be sitting pretty for awhile she could afford to take a breather and see about getting a drink. The rented room was left at a brisk pace to burst onto the club scene. While it was livelier than when she had first entered the club, the general vibe seemed morose, like she had just missed the main event. In this void of activity Kanbaru's eye was drawn towards a figure familiar to most anyone at Purple Crown, the eponymous Yoshino. It was peculiar seeing her alone and sans her scarlet haired guardian, but even Kanbaru was concerned to seeing a sleazy looking man far too old for this crowd seeming to eyeing the student like a piece of meat. [color=aqua]"Ah, there you are Yo-Tan~!"[/color] A disturbingly bubbly Kanbaru called aloud as she briskly crossed the room and threw an arm around Yoshino's waist, holding herself close to her side as though a buxom sister. In reality they didn't much know each other at all, but the display was adequate to dissuade the creeper from making his move. Kanbaru wasn't projecting the most intimidating front, but numbers could be a far better means of dissuading a cowardly predator. [color=aqua]"Hehe....okay, he's gone now. Sorry about that, but I saw this guy coming up behind you and he looked about thirty years your senior while still trying to hit on you. Names Kanbaru Otoko by the way, pleased to save you."[/color] [@TheWindel][@Lucius Cypher]