[color=darkcyan][h3] Deeandra~[/h3][/color] Toxic wind picked up, replacing the sound of Marliena’s boots crunching against the sand. Its hallowed noise rang loudly against the leopard’s eardrum, almost as if it wanted her to remain oblivious to the circumstances around her. Along the horizon a sandstorm started brewing, reminding her time would be running out. In another hour the disaster would be upon them, threatening visibility, closing the window. She observed silently as Marcus made hand gestures to the pirates around him, no doubt instructing them to replace the top of the wooden crate now that his inspection was complete. Large hammers strike down on the nails ensuring the box will remain intact even on the bumpy road home. Beginning to question her driver’s whereabouts she heard the doors of the car shut, the wind making even the slam sound muddled. [color=darkcyan][i]It’s about time. Useless![/i][/color] Preparing to ask for a report she was cut short by the horn honking at her causing her whole being to go on edge. Marliena would not be so ignorant, nor bold enough to make such a move. Turning abruptly and standing simultaneously, Dee didn’t not find the feline she expected at the wheel. The Kiss of Death slipped from her fingers only to be saved from hitting the ground by the strap catching at her shoulder. The satisfaction on the lynx’s face [@VKAllen] eagerly robbed the Godmother of her own. Stomach dropping, claws instinctively reached down into the carrier on her side clutching her Tiger’s Eye. Wrath brimming at the seams within her soul, Deeandra fired an entire clip at the front windshield where his face would have been….she practically spat, [color=darkcyan] "SACHA!” [/color] as each ball of lead left its indention on the bulletproof glass. As the last case from the round fell to the sand at her feet she was able to release the initial flood of her fury. Glancing back at the cargo in this distance, though she could not see it well, Dee knew the disturbance could not be heard. Her finger found the release button on the side of the gun, dropping the cartridge into her open hand, and in one movement it was in her pouch as a fresh one [i]clicked[/i] into the base of the pistol. Choosing rather to walk over to the driver’s side window, she smirked at the figures inside. [color=darkcyan][i]Two men total...is that all it takes nowadays to undermine my authority. [/i] [/color]Leaning to get a better look, she noticed Marliena was not anywhere in the car. With the large Bengal tiger the girl didn’t have a chance. Deeandra didn't care about odds and statistics.[color=darkcyan] “She is useless to me now. Allowing my own vehicle to be stolen by thugs? I hope you've already taken care of her; otherwise, I will.”[/color] If Sacha expected her to hand over the weapons so easily he would find himself sorely mistaken. Placing her handgun back into its holster she readied her sniper rifle. [color=darkcyan] “One shot on that truck's gas tank and we are both walking away here empty handed. What say you to cutting a deal? You always were such an [i]intellectual[/i] man.”[/color] Dee’s tail caressed the window where the lynx’s face would be. Sacha was one of the few who ever tested her on multiple accounts and lived. He was a difficult man to take out, one with influence spreading nearly as wide as her own. This both filled her with frustration and some other emotion for which she did not know how to name or the origin thereof...one that was mildly...[i]pleasing[/i]. Refusing to lose her grip on the playing cards she placed her weight nonchalantly against the door, without loosening her hold on her gun. Laying her words on thick like honey, she all but cooed, [color=darkcyan]“I should have known it would have been you who would come today. You [i]do[/i] love to test my patience. And to think that head would look so nice on my mantle.” [/color] Purring, all of her senses were racing. This wasn’t as simple as buying time. More of an intricate game of cat in mouse where the two traded off roles, constantly catching the other off guard....and at the moment her finger was resting on the trump card.