Garnet found herself leaving the balcony of her mother. She just hoped her messages got through... Though she saw the well groomed man. She merely gave him a brief glance before walking off. "Did you pay the dear Hunter Beatrix? He did take care of... a certain pest, yes?" Brahne was fanning herself. She wanted all of the best of news. Beatrix took a seat beside her. "Why of course. The being is... a Homunculus he said. I told him you may wish to see him. Though he wishes to take his time." Beatrix finished. "Garnet, on your back, can you fetch the Hunter? I wish to have a word with him." Brahne called to her daughter, smiling in sincerity as she was on her rose tinted furniture. Garnet simply spoke softly to her Mother. "As you wish Mother." "Such a sweet and soft girl." A Man chuckled, standing closer to Brahne. "We are trying to enjoy a show. What is it you want Kuja...?" Brahne sighed. "My my, just to extend my hand to collect my due of course. Or did all of your economy just become extended to the Hunter?" The man grinned, almost in a sneering fashion. ___________________________________________ Cassius looked to the two. "Nice disguises. Except for the eyes." Cassius commented as he stretched slightly. He then attempted to address Hitori, but gave a mere nod. There was not much for him to say, Minimal communication may be efficient if anyone else where to hear them. Itzal's lack of visions did not bother him in the slightest, he simply shook his head. "Visions do not interest me that much, but I think it would be beneficial to get the [i]cargo[/i] before Beatrix comes back. Besides, the others are waiting. And I can only delay what is going on here so long. Now move to her room with me." Cassius spoke before strutting forward, he took Hitori by the wrist and moved him slightly in front of him with a gentle nudge. "Sorry if this seems... Forceful. But if I am escorted it will be... less suspicious. We can say she asked for me- The Princess." Cassius huffed. Before he knew it, he saw the Princess blink at him. "You're not supposed to be here... By normal means I should say. I take it my uncle sent you?" Garnet had a slight smile. "Get your things, and let's go. We don't have a not of time before the search the premise. Guards just all don't fall asleep. That and your mother is expecting me. Which is all the more reason we must go." Cassius exclaimed calmly. "Understood." Garnet nodded before entering her room with him. "Thieves!?" Garnet blinked, her right hand was cocked as if she was going to slam her fist forward into the small, yet dangerous Karn. "Hold your hand. That is one of the of your Transporters. She is with me." Cassius explained. Though... She wasn't quite with him so to speak, it was more like he was with her crew. Though he was just helping them on their job. Garnet took a breath and reached for a white cloak to wear over her jumpsuit. She also grabbed a spare staff, with a sword for a side arm. It would seem gifts would come in handy. Cassius waved Hitori and Itzal together. "If our escort would?" Cassius was hoping they knew a way out.