Dianna frowned, why did team one get to have all the fun? She doubted the others would let her do anything other than paralyze, and that had to have been the worst assignment so far. She didn't seem fazed by the explosion, she had heard worse. The screams of innocents didn't bother her, the only thing that really interested her was Phone Freak’s little summon. She watched with slight interest as it charged through the glass panes of the bank. They were unorganized, no clear leader or direction. Everyone just charged. It was kind of cute. Dianna took her time, in the midst of the panic and confusion she waved her hand over her clothes. They transformed into a magicians costume, every detail perfect from the top hat to the coat tail. Her bandolier stretched out across her costume, potions glittering with magical essence. The hilts of her daggers stuck out menacingly from their sheathes. She wore a half mask, similar to that of The Phantom of the Opera. She strutted into the bank, where hostages were pressed up against the walls and most security guards had been dealt with. There were other floors of course, and they would have to make sure those were handled. [color=89fdc5]“How chipper!”[/color] She stated merrily, clapping her hands together. [color=89fdc5]“I plan on using the hostages as shields. Very effective, even though I don't necessarily need it.”[/color] Her finger moved over them, as if to choose a subject from the crowd. Instead of picking right away, she took off the ring that was Ms. Muffins II and tossed it onto the ground. Before it could roll away, she pointed at it and muttered in Latin. Out popped the cute -albeit confused- Ms. Muffins II. No one had time to let their guards down and watch her stretch and mewl, because moments after her intial transformation, Ms. Muffins II took another shape. This time it was the form of a female lion. She prowled around the room, getting in people's faces, batting at them with her giant paws, and causing them to scream and press against the wall. Black Magic found the act endearing, she was learning well. [color=89fdc5]“Sawbones is right about covering our bases. Who wants to come scope out the upper floors with me? We need to secure the building while our friends get the gold. Then we can have our fun.”[/color] She giggled, looking around the room for any takers. If she could choose, she would have picked Phone Freak. She wanted to show that girl what real magic was. If not her than Ed, he worked well with a gun. Anyone that wouldn't spout some nonsense about the lives of a civilian was a perfect choice.