"Hello, Mr. Thor!" Henry said, almost chirping. "Glad to see you, and I'm fine, though still a bit bored." He then fully turned towards the highly-muscled guy. "I must say, the design of your machine is most unorthodox, much more than Father Joan's. It's really practical and useful, and also something that our pirate enemies would find strange." Henry then rememebred something: He didn't have a cup of coffee! Well, he'd already had some earlier in the day, but still, having a cup right now would help him socialize! He then rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks for the warm welcome, guys." He had been afraid of being looked down on by the people in the OSDT Jannah due to the cause of his transfer; it was so very easy to think him in the wrong... [@Silvan Haven][@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra][@Crimmy]