[color=darkcyan][h3] Deeandra~[/h3][/color] A black glove beckoned the leopard to take a place in the back seat. The easy way; a quite way. However, Deeandra could not find a single reason Sacha [@VKAllen] deserved a luxury. Knowing he came with his own hand to lay down, she wondered how it would all play out. To make it so easy on him? The idea in itself completely unfathomable! Yet, here she was still entertaining it all the same. [color=darkcyan][i]What game are you playing at my sneaky little mouse? Or are you the cat?[/i][/color] A plot filled with so many twists she couldn’t help throwing her head back to laugh. Strings being manipulated. The question remaining as to the identity of the puppet-master. “I had hoped for a hug and a kiss on the cheek from the Godmother. Not seven .50 Cal leads inside of this ol' noggin." Delicately taking her tail and tracing out his jaw line through the glass she took on a mocking tone, [color=darkcyan] “Oh but I was only angry dear….you did catch me by such a surprise, and how could I ruin such a [i]handsome[/i] face.”[/color] thinking the last bit over she shrugged, [color=darkcyan] “Although, if you weren’t constantly acting like a thorn in my side it’d be easier not struggling to kill you.[/color] At the outburst against her family, Dee withheld a growl...his men's loyalty on a scale with her own? There was no comparison. Half listening, Deeandra did not particularly care about any endeavors on her vehicle—knowing the right people getting another would be no feat. The weapon on the other hand they held slightly more significance. All nothing in comparison to the real prize here: Relief from her monotony. Against her better judgement, knowledge of the tiger heavily breathing in the distance, and what appeared to be an onlooker (whom she only just noticed) [@Mega Birb], she opened the door to the backseat of the jeep. Placing her Barrett across her back, Dee’s slender body slid across the black leather. Unlatching her pistol, aiming it at Sacha’s head (an act mostly just for show, to prove she did not fear him) she placed her other arm behind her own head as she leaned back getting comfortable for the “proposal” coming. Crossing her legs she added her own stipulation, [color=darkcyan] “The crate already in my jeep is off limits…the other four you can look through.”[/color] thinking about her suitcase of crowns in Marcus’ possession she continued, [color=darkcyan]“Also, everything pertaining to my negotiator is off limits.” [/color] Dee’s golden eyes maintained contact with Sacha’s through the review questioning if the deal was struck….or if there was more. In hopes of a diversion she leaned forward until her breath was at his ear,[color=darkcyan] "And here I was hoping the next time I saw you it would be just the two of us. How disappointing." [/color] Leaning back once more she waited for his response. Being the Godmother, one must recognize that scraps were better than starving, though she could force Sacha to famine with her, this course appeared to be the most logical for the time being. It would keep her family from dying unnecessarily, even the call on Marliena’s life just a bluff. Her job, in the end was to protect those who pledged themselves to her, though she would never admit this sentiment out loud.