[h2][center][color=gold]Delvin Crawford[/color][/center][/h2] Having watched most of the scene unfold from a safe and comfortable distance on his bike, Delvin sat up as he head the gunshots come from the Godmother's signature pistol, a golden Deagle that caught the harsh light from the sun. The audible bangs of a beefy pistol like that meant something had gone wrong while he was focused on the arms deal. Deciding now was a good time to intervene, the raven kickstarted his motorcycle and took off in the direction of the snow leopard, his left hand ready to retrieve his shotgun from the holster if needed. As he drew closer and slowed down gradually, the rumble of the bike's engine was sure to draw the attention of the assailants in the car. Keeping one hand raised up in a passive gesture as he approached, the bird pulled to a complete stop beside the jeep and killed the engine once again. He stuck his left leg out to act as a stand, having a feeling he might need to jet off quickly. [color=gold]"I'm not here to kill or rob you, just wanna see who fu-"[/color] Looking into the vehicle's side mirror, he noticed Sacha's smug grin looking looking back at him. [color=gold]"Goddammit Sacha, I leave to find you a fucking TV and you steal the fucking Godmother's car?"[/color] Sighing audibly and mocking a suicide with a finger gun, Delvin sat back once again and looked to the back seat at the woman. [color=gold]"Alright, I'm guessing you want those gators dead, your negotiator secured, and that massive fucking weapons shipment in the back of this thing."[/color] He patted the side of the off-roader and paused briefly, then looked at the lynx's reflection. [color=gold]"And based on what I just heard, you want a few of the guns from that deal?"[/color] He gave them both a look that quite clearly said [color=gold][i]'Tell me I'm right,'[/i][/color] and reached into one of the saddlebags behind him. As he rummaged for a moment, he made an offer he honestly doubted either of them would accept. [color=gold]"Either of you smoke?"[/color] The raven pulled a beaten pack of cigarettes from the pouch and flipped the top open, then held it up, within view of both parties. [@VKAllen][@Midnight Howl]