It would appear that the individuals with actual powers had different impressions of heroes than Metallia did. … On the other hand, she didn't know the level of their opponents. In any case. It seemed they were joined by a new individual. [@Progenitus] [color=#afc7b5]‘... Metallia.’[/color] She introduced herself to the new person, before handing over another of the communicators she had shared with the rest earlier (which I'm not sure if everyone acknowledged or completely dismissed, but just in case. Not sure if the Presence communicator could do the same). [color=#afc7b5]‘Press the button to talk. Use the switch to specify a single communicator if you just want to talk to one specific person.’[/color] Brief explanation that we'll assume explained everything. Now, then. It appeared it was time to start... [@Weird Tales] [color=#afc7b5]‘Metal[u][b][i]lia[/i][/b][/u].’[/color] Metallia frowned in deep annoyance as she corrected The Presence of all individuals on her name. What was that k-sound!? Where did it come from!? It made her name sound more vile than graceful! … Which might be fitting here, but still! … So they were going to stash 3 billion whatever currency... in a sack. Okay. … There was that explosion. A voice which called out something Metallia didn't feel any desire of being associated with. … That was supposed to be a distraction? … [color=#afc7b5]‘How unrefined.’[/color] She complained with an annoyed tone, turning intending on getting going, when... [@Stekkmen] … Maverick pleaded her and the others not to kill anyone, with a swear-word. Metallia turned her head, giving her a stare with blank eyes. She didn't respond, but she analysed Maverick for a moment. … That was some statement, considering what side she was on. Given the explosion, The Presence clearly cared naught for human lives. It didn't matter to Metallia if people died or not, but neither did she take joy in needless killing. However, she couldn't answer for the rest. … She wouldn't save anyone's life, but for Maverick's sake, she decided not to kill anyone. … And she also felt an unexplained desire to say “Metallia”, as if to correct Maverick, but Maverick hadn't actually said her name wrong, so Metallia didn't act on it. Now then. The Presence had not specified if he wanted her robots or not. Was that in preparation for the escape? Was her robots to stand by until they were fleeing? Possible. However, she greatly doubted that he intended her to be completely useless in there. As such, she took her cap and stashed it in a pocket. She took her head-piece and put it on her head, her two black transmitters and receivers instantly giving her complete awareness of her robots. They were in the garage, as she had left them. Metallia dashed after Blood Fang. Of course, she was quickly getting exhausted, due to the lack of personal exercise. But, that didn't matter. As soon as she reached the door, her char and its two metal arms reached her. She jumped, and the R5 swooped in, curved, and let her land in it. Her hands took their places to the right and left of it. Now she suddenly realized she didn't actually need to enter herself, she could have just used the R5 to enter on its own. … Eh. She forgot due to The Presence's orders. Alright. So if she wasn't supposed to kill, then bullets and explosives were out of the question. That left... her flying chair's two big metal arms that she controlled with magnetism. Well. This was going to be extraordinarily violent for a non-lethal option. No matter. She entered the building from said side-entrance along with the wolf-man. [color=#afc7b5]‘... Let's get this over with.’[/color] Metallia commented, intending on smacking down guards that decided to be in their way with her chair's heavy metal arms so they'd stay down on the floor. She'd just sit there in her floating chair, her face expressionless as she flew forward, while those metal arms swung for any enemies. She did not fear guns or bullets. Her magnetism would handle those.