[center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/6fe5/f/2016/209/1/6/smoke_by_fenixking13-dabns2o.png[/img][/center] [center]Alexander "Smoke" Wright[/center] Smoke strolled leisurely through the old halls of legendary Gibraltr, a facility of infamy among the hero world, and long time symbol of strength for Overwatch. The rust creeped up on this place like mold and sicked him to his core. How had things been allowed to decay to such a point when the world was crumbling all about them. The world might not need heroes but it needed someone willing to fight for the sake of peace and unity, not cower in the fear of a shadow too big to contain anymore. People needed help. It was obvious. If that meant being a criminal to the eyes of the governments meant to 'protect' those very people then so be it. Alex was used to being called things like that. Others had come to the watchpoint in secret, same as him, and even now they were starting to gather. Smoke watched it all from a steady distance. More interested in taking in the view of the sea than whatever this new issue needed. Smoke didn't care much about the people here, he cared about the next mission and how he would fit in. Until the greetings died down he would continue to watch from a distance and simply observe the sea.