[color=1b1464][center][u][h2]Undisclosed Location, Approximately 449 Kilometers East of Toriakeura Bay[/h2][/u][/center][/color] SpaceGodzilla was waiting now. She knew Kiryu would be coming any moment now, and when she did, she'd be ready. Ready to toy with her until she was satisfied, of course. SpaceGodzilla sat upon a throne of crystals, each one refracting light, giving them a brilliant glow. She begins to think of her "game plan" for when Kiryu gets here. It's been a while since she's seen any of them, anyway. It wasn't like she particularly [i]wanted[/i] to see Kiryu over any of the others: seeing Biollante or Godzilla would have been nice as well. But, she was going to take what she could get, and smacking around Kiryu a bit was always fun. Her gaze is sent upward as she hears the noise of a jet engine, and the White Heron comes into view. [color=9e005d]"Ooh, speak of the devil."[/color] She says under her breath. A fast contraption indeed. Humans have come rather far with their technological advances, haven't they? She could almost immediately tell it was Kiryu in there. A normal human could never even dream of such precision while flying. SpaceGodzilla sits on her throne, awaiting the GKDF's commander and her adversary. [color=9e005d][i]"Oh, you're causing trouble for the Japanese, we need you to go back to space."[/i][/color] She mocks Kiryu with a nasally voice. The thought of Kiryu bossing her around nearly made her vomit. [color=9e005d]"Disgusting."[/color] She said to herself. The crystals on her shoulders began to glow a bright orange color, just in case Kiryu tried something funny, which she probably wouldn't. [color=9e005d]"[i]Oh, only attacked when provoked.[/i] Fuck off."[/color] A strand of her dark, purple-blue hair fell in front of her face and she swept it away, fixing her clothing as well, watching the White Heron as it eventually landed. Her posture said many things, it made her seem like royalty, like a god, even. It was fitting for SpaceGodzilla, really. When Kiryu finally landed, she would be greeted by SpaceGodzilla and her regal-sounding voice. [color=9e005d]"Kiryu! What a fucking [i]pleasure[/i]. Where's the rest of the welcoming commitee?"[/color] She asked. Her manner of speaking really contradicted the sound of her voice. [@Lmpkio]