[center][h1]Emil Günther[/h1] Physical state: Sick Mental state: Excited[/center] The clank of the key hitting the table snapped Emil awake. He'd been looking at the woman in front of him for at least a minute as she spoke and went about the drawer. Now he saw the number, the familiar digits of the steel shut door. [color=0072bc]”Forgive me,” [/color]he said masking his and faking his roommate's accent; [color=0072bc]”Name's Sean. Sean O'Reilly. I couldn't help but stare. Your...beauty has stunned me, I must admit.”[/color] An involuntary twitch shook his lips. [color=39b54a][i]She [b]is[/b] gorgeous. Maybe she will soften to me too.[/i][/color] He closed the door behind him. The ancient hinges screeched. [color=39b54a][i]My demons following me, screaming behind my steps, calling me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemil.[/i][/color] [color=0072bc]”I have just arrived with the university group this morning. I am a medical student here at the University myself.”[/color] He shied a smile at her and approached the desk. [color=0072bc]”Doctor Gabrowski sent me here, it's my praxis today.”[/color] Drawing nearer, he felt the key slowly suck his soul in, and all his thoughts with it. He did not look at it, but his every bone and muscle longed to posses it, as if he were a dragon desiring an artifact of an old hero or other. In the periphery of his vision he registered a white, cold flicker and he knew it was the silver key reflecting little light that fell blade-shaped on it through the window above. Still looking at her and smiling, he said: [color=0072bc]”I am to spend a class's time with a patient and write my report. The lady in question I am assigned is to leave soon, I believe? Room 125.”[/color]