[i][b][center]WINTER 2ND YEAR[/center][/b][/i] A few months pasted. Students have been putting their focus on their studies, whether it'd be with their magics, evocations, or unique talents. The naga had long since left, but fortunately there has been no word of any disasters or dangers on their way to or in their new homelands. But peace wasn't bound forever. Conflicts were arising around the world, from the far corners of Ghannos to neighboring nations like Oelik, Djarkel, and Eania. Though the college is neutral in all things, they knew that if left alone these incidents could spiral out of control and harm more than just their nation of origins. Thus the college has sent out another request among it's students: To go to these nations and seek out the problems within, find a solution or at least the source, and come back home safely. Currently it was mid morning. Most everyone had already woken up, and those who haven't would need to be quick. While there were still classes one could attend, those attending missions would be allowed to skip classes for the duration of their quest. Various bonfires have been made around the college as a heavy snow settled in, bringing cold air through the lands of twilight. Breakfast wound be provided in the messhall and Underhaven has been allowed a small stall within the mess hall to service vampires for today. However their services were limited only to vampires, as they served nothing but meals and drinks consisting of mortal blood. Mercenaries have now taken part of the college's security detail, specifically the Quake Company and, to the surprise of some, a company known as Tooth and Nail. They were a largely orcish band of mercs, which would surprise some considering Lucilia's own passive dislike of the boarmen. But numbers ruled the day, and it was not as if they were being stationed at the college itself: The Quake dwarves would be defending the college, while the Tooth and Nail orcs were paroling their borders, eliminating bandits, monsters, demons, and ensuring their neighbor's conflicts did not spill into their lands. More importantly, they were being used to clear out brigands and monsters in the Western Mage Hold, which the Twilight college had long since abandoned due to matters of the past. But with the upcoming threat of Kudd and his demons, they have decided it was important to have control of their lost lands. In preparation for the student's journeys, kits have been prepared. These kits consist of a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, an iron mug, a silver dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week's worth of trail rations, and a whetstone. The Herb or Rune healing kit were also avalible. Of course students were encouraged to bring their own supplies as well. All these things could be picked up at the college's general store, though only one per student. The forge was also open, and to the surprise of some, Tyrael wasn't the only one in it. Having reached some sort of epiphany during his time off, he has begun to employ students and apprentices. While they couldn't even touch his level of skill in the forge, they did offer basic services such as maintenance, sharpening, and repairs. They would also sell any weapons and armor the forge had available, and they had much available. As for the missions themselves, there was a large notice board within the courtyard that students would clamor to. Many have already been taken, but three in particular were available. The first was related to Noxomancer's. It was the right time for their alignment ceremony, which would allow Noxomancers to tap into the power of nox. Although this seemed like something only concerning those students, others were welcomed to come to help protect the noxomancer as well as learn more about the nox itself. Those who would participate will be heading to Craigville, deep within the lands of Djarkel. As a hotbed of activity, those who participate would be encouraged to be prepared for all and anything. Another quest involved following up on the clues in Djarkel. Lucilia had managed to crack the code within the journals and notes from the last escort mission, so this one was a diplomatic meeting. Lucilia needed to confirm who her allies were, and thus she wanted students capable of subtly and persuasion to participate. She warns that Djarkel, despite it's apparent barbarity, can be wrought with intrigue and conspiracy. While she warns of the basic threats of bandits and possibly demons, the most dangerous enemies they'd find would no doubt be the statements and representatives of Djarkel's aristocracy. After all, anyone could put a blade to your throat. They can do that and so much more. The last mission available was to Yarosmere. Ever since the last Solstice Feast, the college has been keeping a zealot from their lands who have recently become more lucid. He gave the college warnings of some sort of mass tragedy that would occur in Yarosmere, but otherwise left little to no further clues on the nature of the threat. Thus students would be sent to investigate and find out what is happening in Yarosmere, and report back to the college as soon as possible. It was well known that some violence has been occuring in the lands of the desert sun, but no one knows why or how. [@Fallenreaper][@Vesuvius00][@Ryonara][@EliteCommander][@Freeshooter92][@EthTenshi][@Luna][@Demonic Angel][@Rtron][@Konan375][@cqbexpt][@May] [color=a187be][i][b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/center][/b][/i][/color] Having awoken early this morning, Annabeth geared up for missions today. She had spent these pass few days honing her magics, training her swordsmanship, and practicing with Samson. Despite not being bred for war, he was doing good with his training. Not the fastest horse, but nearly indomitable. Annabeth did not forget her training with Ssarak either; she still made use of the axe, but now that she fought from the back of Samson more often, she found that she would need a weapon with greater reach. Jousting was all well and good, however Annabeth simply wasn't accustomed the technique and force needed to couch a lance. There had already been a few awkward incidents were she had stabbed a target, only to hang off her lance as Samson rode away from her. So instead, she chose an axe. A long axe, specifically a bardiche. With a blade of steel and a shaft of Iron Wood, it was a sturdy weapon that Annbaeth could confidently use on the ground or on Samson. Annabeth also donned her armor. After her sparing with Meirin, Annabeth had a better idea of what sort of armor she wanted. While she kept her coat of plates, she now uses one armored gauntlet instead of two. Only her shield arm would have the armored gauntlet with her sword arm had a harden leather one, to give her fighting hand less weight to deal with. Annabeth had also picked up a helmet for piratical reasons. Lastly, Annabeth picked up her bow and arrows. Her hold hunting bow was left in her closet, as nowadays she uses a proper calvary. The strength needed for such weapon surprised Annabeth, not that she didn't have the power to draw it. Her new quiver even accommodated horse-back archery, allowing her to draw her bow and shoot with great dexterity. Or put her bow away in a flash, allowing her to free up her hands for other tasks. After gearing up, Annabeth looked at [url=http://i.imgur.com/5UEnwuF.jpg]herself[/url] in her mirror. A laugh escaped her lips. It was funny how this farm girl had gotten this far. First she moved to the big city where she thought it couldn't get any bigger than this. Then she went to the college and learned magic, thinking that this would be the highest moment of her life. And now looking at herself, Annabeth was a warrior. But not just a warrior, but a wizard as well. The magic of the mind were within her grasp, and even if she didn't know how to manipulate it well, she could mold it, shape it, use it. Despite the weapons on her waists and in her hands, the deadliest weapon of all was within her mind. Had Annabeth seen this version of her just a year ago, and she would have thought it was just a childish memory of hers. A time were she still believed in knights in shining armor slaying dragons to save a fair maiden, or heroes who would stand and fight the tide of evil against all odds. Hard for her to believe that she has become one of those things. With her introspection over Annabeth donned her cloak and left her room. It was time for breakfast.