[h2][center][color=steelblue][i]Katashi Todo[/i][/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XIFXbzb.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=steelblue] "I'm going to presume that whatever left these messages was the one that threatens our stability? Not a bad idea, but we can hold together."[/color] Katashi had been following a step behind Shizune and saw the writing on the wall as she had. It was eerie to see those words there, and after Jack's inquisitive incident with the sink and Anri's mania, they were perfectly timed to plant the seed of doubt when the soil was richest. Even Katashi's attempts to establish some semblance of order could be seen in a negative light after this, a false messiah leading them to a grisly demise...though that was a thought best not pursued for a completely different reason. If Katashi were honest, and he usually was, he would acknowledge that he was eying up Anri and Jack before his rational mind could get ahold of itself. He even gave himself a brief once over, wondering if something had latched onto him that may cause issue but could detect nothing. Shaking off the bout of paranoia he stepped closer to Shizune and spoke lowly, needing to clear something up with her after her felt some hostility coming from her earlier. [color=steelblue]"I know you're Yuriya's best friend. Well, I know we were kind of flirting for a bit, but I don't mean to upset you in the process so I can stop if you want...otherwise can I ask for your...permission, I suppose?"[/color] It wasn't like Katashi was asking for permission to marry Yuriya or anything, but best friends tend to watch out for each other to keep away unsavory people. Katashi thought he was good guy, but that wouldn't keep Shizune from worrying. And right now, Shizune was the last person he wanted on any of their bad sides.