[@gohKamikaze][@POOHEAD189][@Ionalien][@Alisdragon911] [color=716cb1]"Official Business?"[/color] Tic held tried to hold in a laugh with marginal success [color=716cb1]"I haven't seen a PI worth his salt who does [i] Official Business [/i]"[/color] Taking a glance at Anthony he saw the man flex his fingers, but before the man could commence his trick a familiar urge hit Tic hard, his eyes quickly widening and his back straitening as if he were about to stand at attention, in flash Tic was gone and the door to the bathroom was swinging shut with a small dent in the wood next to it slowly bending back into shape. [@Azereiah] Walking out a few moments later Tic found his drink still in his hand, the crowd around his table was getting a bit too crowded for his taste so he decided to move on rather than muscle his way back in. Making is way over to the bar he chooses to avoid Alex as she seems to be busy with that fancy looking guy from before. Setting himself up at the other end bar he noticed the only person in near him was this strange grey person from before. Her eye’s seemed to slowly move from one patron to another; the way it seemed to analyse everything made him feel as though he where under a microscope. Nothing about that sat right with Tic, but he'd have to watch his step here she could just as easily be as fast and strong as that mage from before. [color=716cb1]“Oi! Keep those eyes to ya self, it’s enough to make a guy feel small”[/color] he growled tilting to one side and resting on his drinkless arm.