[center][@spiderfucker] [h1][b][color=silver]Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro[/color] - Undisclosed Location - -:449 Kilometers East of Toriakeura Bay:-[/b][/h1][/center] At the speed in which the White Heron was flying, it would only take several minutes to reach SpaceGodzilla's position, and Kiryu was ready for her. Soon enough, she can see the glimmer of giant crystals on the horizion, large stalagmites bursting fron the ground. It seems as if she defintely made this location her primary base of operations. As she closes in on the opponent's location, a voice appears over the communication radio. [b][color=6ecff6]"Commander Kiryu,"[/color][/b] says a KGDF operative, [b][color=6ecff6]"We have recently had word coming from the Shatterdome in Alaska that they sent out a Jaeger of their own, Lunar Nova. However, since they are much farther away then from the location, she should be coming much later than you. Just stating that you won't be alone in this fight. Signing out."[/color][/b] Kiryu didn't say a word or react other than a nod. It was a little disappointing that she won't be facing a one on one battle, but regardless, she'll need all the help she can get regardless against SpaceGodzilla... and speaking of her, she can already see her sitting upon her crystaline throne. There was no time to loose. As she approaches her location, she issues a long 90 degree turn with the White Heron, and just when she was on the same longitude as her opponent, Kiryu pops out of the vehicle, followed by a blue pack, as the White Heron begins to operate on auto-pilot. As the android pops out of her vehicle, she issues a spread eagle position as the blue pack expands, revealing to be her personal jet-battle pack. As she approaches the ground, the thrusters activate as it slows her fall by a reasonable degree. As she lands on the ground, she issues a small crater as dust kicks up around her. For a few seconds, nothing would happen, until Kiryu's left eye gleams red as the dust clears, revealing Kiryu in all of her full glory. She was utterly breathtaking to any surrounding people that were unfortunate to still be in this location. Her face was cold, unmoving, as her cannons began to prepare in locking on with the Space "Queen". It was then when she began to speak. [color=9e005d][i]"Kiryu! What a fucking [b]pleasure[/b]. Where's the rest of the welcoming commitee?"[/i][/color] she asks in a disgustingly over-regal voice in Kiryu's audio receptors. And after a few seconds of silence, the metal dragon speaks at last. [b][color=silver]"SpaceGodzilla..."[/color][/b] she speaks, her voice sounding cold and unemotional, but also rivals her opponents voice with her own general-like authority, as her eyes gleams over her, [b][color=silver]"So you have returned. I was expecting your Earthling cousin to make her appearance here. You've made quite the mistake in returning back to our planet... one that we will protect with our lives on the line to defend."[/color][/b] Her cannons begin to load and prepares to fire upon the Queen when the situation deems fit. [b][color=silver]"This is your last chance to leave."[/color][/b] she warns the Queen coldly, [b][color=silver]"Leave, or I'll be forced to exterminate you."[/color][/b] She figures that SpaceGodzilla won't bother to leave regardless, but what she said was clear. If she doesn't move out, then she will be killed coldly without a second thought.