[hider=Jackie Lovell][center] [img]http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/a44b804d945d93f47e9732f5d4e0e274?width=650[/img] [/center] [center][color=#757A80][[/color] [color=#06A0B8]Jackie[/color][color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=#06A0B8]Female [/color] [color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=#06A0B8]24[/color] [color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=#06A0B8]Lesbian[/color] [color=#757A80]][/color][/center] [h3][b][u]at first sight [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ n a m e ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Jackie Lovell.[/color] [b][ n i c k n a m e ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Jack[/color] [b][ a g e ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]24 years old[/color] [b][ b i r t h d a y ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]May 11[/color] [b][ g e n d e r ][/b] [color=#06A0B9]Female [/color] [b][ o r i g i n ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Sexton, Alberta[/color] [hr] [centre][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/f71e4a1c4614b82d59dd3ddfba258934/tumblr_nvwrouwrzw1uappzfo1_500.gif[/img][/centre] [hr] [h3][b][u]you're beautiful [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p h y s i c a l ][ a p p e a r a n c e ][/b] [color=#06A0B8] Jackie is rather lean and angular. Her jaw line, eyes and figure are sharp which often gets her confused for a guy. She has a decent amount of muscle for her frame, so don't mess with her. She sometimes binds her chest even though her breasts aren't that large. For the most part Jack doesn't look soft, and she doesn't want to look like that anyway. [/color] [b][ e y e ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]grey.[/color] [b][ h a i r ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Burnette.[/color] [b][ h e i g h t ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]5'7[/color] [b][ w e i g h ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]173lbs[/color] [b][ m o d i f i c a t i o n s ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]She has a bunch of tattoos on both arms, back, hip and plans on getting more.[/color] [hr] [centre][img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/dce37222d3466b0f3cc19299586e33ff/tumblr_mpmj2af5Vh1r0yw29o1_500.gif[/img][/centre] [hr] [h3][b][u]under your skin [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p e r s o n a l i t y ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Jackie has always been a little odd, she always played with the boys and took on any challenge they threw at her. Coming from a small town everyone thought she was odd and she always confirmed their thoughts, as she would do things that no little girl should do. She always wore boys clothes and never wanted to wear a dress, much to her parents dismay. Jackie is strong not so much physically but more mentally, as she was often bullied as a young girl for being different and being openly gay. Jackie is confident as she always seems to believe that she can't fail, which can sometimes be taken as cocky. She is independent and doesn't need someone holding her hand, though she will hold your hand if you need help. Jack has been feeling anxious lately as she feels that she is all alone. With her parents not wanting her to come back for her own safety and her having a hard time connecting with other women who like her for her. This has left her feeling anxious and a little depressed. [/color] [b][ h i s t o r y ][/b] [color=#06A0B8] Growing up in a small town in northern Alberta, was both great and horrible as she was able to run around and be herself. But being herself was tough as she was always doing something that wasn't girly. Her parents tried to put her in classes, and she did them but it was obvious that she wasn't happy. So her parents let her do her own thing. When she was in high school she came out as being gay. And for that she was bullied relentlessly by other kids and even by some of her teachers. The bullying got to the point were she was cornered by some guys, but she was no girly girl. She gave them bloody noses and black eyes, but her parents feared for her safety. So they sent her to an all girl boarding school in one of Alberta's largest cities. Jack made friends there and had a few relationships, but none of them lasted as it was with mostly girls who were curious. So for the most part she focused on her studies. Once she graduated she tried to go back home but people there were still closed minded. So her parents told her not to come back. This stung a little but she was determined to make a name for herself. She ended up in Red Deer and there she stayed and worked as a tattoo artist and even now owns her own shop (one of the best might I add). [/color] [b][ I n t h e i r p a r t n e r ][/b] [color=#06A0B8] Jack has a soft spot for feminine looking girls, who don't always hold the attitude of ladies. She just wants someone to stand by her in both the good and bad times, as she is getting tired of standing alone.[/color] [b][ r e a s o n f o r j o i n i n g s h o w ][/b] [color=#06A0B8] Jack just wants to have fun and if she happens to find someone then great. She also is finding it hard meeting people who like rough type girls.[/color] [hr] [centre][img]http://static.tumblr.com/n0losct/fRfnp8urg/untitled-16.gif[/img][/centre] [hr] [h3][b][u]skip a heartbeat [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ o r i e n t a t i o n ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Lesbian[/color] [b][ s t a t u s ][/b] [color=#06A0B8]Single[/color] [b][ o t h e r ][/b] [color=#06A0B8].......[/color][/hider]