[@Clanty]Ah, here we go. I've been trying to put words to this. A wizard is kind of like a Jack in that they can do just about anything... but they can't do EVERYTHING at the same time (like a Jack can) they have preparation and time to analyze before they can actually be effective (hence why many game systems require spell preparation.) While they have considerably more punch than a Jack has, they sacrifice being caught off guard. Now, a support person, they are reliable on their area of expertise. They are both adaptable and potent in what they do. However, there is crossover. A mechanical engineer might know how to design something and might be able to understand the problem, and probably will be able to fix it... however a mechanic is going to be used to actually doing it. Does that mean the mechanic cannot design? No, it just means he's better at repairing. Does it mean an engineer cannot repair? No it just means that he's not necessarily accustomed to getting dirty. In terms of magic, can a wizard buff a warrior? Sure, it isn't the best use of his time, but why not? Can a bard cast a damaging spell? Probably, but it isn't going to be as potent as a wizard. I would say, if you definitely want to be the Tony Stark thing, go with the wizard.