[@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@banjoanjo][@HellHoundWoof][@Jinxer][@Lillium][@Gonzo][@KahleenCuthald][@SheriffLlama] [centre][color=6ecff6][h1]Arthur Ragnarson[/h1][/color] [h3]Auditorium[/h3][/centre] One by one everyone filtered into the room and one by one Arthur greeted them with a nod or a brief verbal communication. Over the past week he had made a point of learning everyone's name and a little about them, mostly to try and work out who might be trusted if this scenario ever spun into the horror show it was so close to, and partly because there had been a [i]lot[/i] of time to speak to people. Sure, the facility had masses of entertainment opportunities and Arthur loved a good, long swim but it was easy to lose oneself in those chances and forget what was going on around them; where they were and why they were here. The young Brit somewhat suspected that was probably the aim of the organisation running the facility and his stubborn stream had him trying to resist that at every corner, without bringing undue attention to himself. Now, with the arrival of this beautiful young woman and her alleged history aligning herself as 'one of them', the story so far was taking a predictable turn. [i]So we get accustomed to the place we're in, begin to acknowledge that we're not leaving any time soon and that maybe, just maybe, it's better for us to be in here. Then they present a potential ally, say 'Look, it's one of you!' and promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. It all sounds a bit orchestrated to me.[/i] Arthur glanced over at Irina with a quiet smile, catching her tired gaze. [i]Right, Irina?[/i] Uriel was speaking now. Chipper, slightly over the top but so very charming Uriel. Bombarding her with questions in his usual manner, making Arthur smile. If nothing, he was very consistent which was hard to keep up in this place. [color=6ecff6]"If you don't mind, I too have a question."[/color] Arthur said, raising his hand as well. It was difficult to work out a question that might yield useful information without clearly revealing that he was angling for something he might use. He considered his words carefully and then spoke smoothly. [color=6ecff6]"I understand that having group sessions might help us understand our powers through observing others' but surely certain types of powers might not benefit from this? For example, my power appears to be passive and I have no control over it so I'm not sure how much we'd all learn from my being present."[/color]