Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak was in his room, dressing himself in his thick winter attire. He tended to forego leather in favor of appropriately thick furs during this time of year. They were not particularly necessary indoors, but he disliked stepping outside even briefly without something to insulate him. Being Esyire meant that he was less tolerant to the cold than most other races. His natural body temperature was rather high, so it took more effort for his body to maintain that temperature when the air cooled. Nevertheless, his experience this year was not quite as bad as it had been the previous, and he suspected that it would only get easier as time went on. The previous few months had continued to be a time of intellectual growth for Ssarak. His private lessons with Satori had become so ingrained into his schedule by this point that he could hardly even consider filling that time with any other kind of task. It was mostly due to his military background that he was able to maintain such singular focus on his magic in perpetuity. He had further improved with his strengths in focused concentration, and continued to fine-tune those skills. Normally, Ssarak was the type of person who would want to diversify his skills to allow him to handle a variety of situations. It was why he had trained with multiple weapon types growing up, and was still maintaining his physical conditioning. However, in this instance, he had a particular interest in aspects of psychomancy related to focused concentration. He had an interest in learning of the intricacies of the mind and how it functioned. It was the kind of knowledge that could only be obtained with detailed concentration on a singular mind. It was something that had interested him for a while, but now, he had a new, more personal reason to pursue it. With how close they had become, Meirin had shared more details of her past with him. She had told him of the demon attack on her home in the past, but now he knew that its effects had reached far past that moment, and well into the present. It was because of that demon attack that Meirin now had her problems with sleeping, More troubling was that her medicine was becoming less effective, causing her to need more, which had been adversely affecting her health. The attack had done something to her mind, something he wanted cured before something terrible happened to her. But, being a psychomancer, he was in a position to at least try to do something. Psychomancy could manipulate the mind just as vitamancy could manipulate the body. Psychomancy in general was generally associated with its more harmful, manipulative effects, but it could heal just as well. If Ssarak wanted to heal her mind, he would need to improve his understanding as much as possible. While Ssarak had certainly been making progress with his magic, there was something else he had heard that was a more present concern. New missions had been posted on the notice board in the courtyard, and he did not intend to ignore them. As with any skill, magical training needed to be tempered with real-world experience, and there was no doubt that the missions would be important. Once he was dressed, Ssarak stepped out of his room, though he did not go far. He was fairly certain that Meirin was in her room, so he stopped and knocked on her door. [color=f7941d]“Are you there, Mei?”[/color] He asked simply.