I'm interested in doing a Pokemon 1x1 with you, so if you are still looking for that? I generally write several paragraphs of around seven/eight sentences, so that hits around your amount and more. I also prefer threads, so in case that puts you off. However, I do play both genders equally, so you can pick whatever role you prefer. Not really looking for any mature content right now, so that sits fine with me. The only thing that I would ask from you is something like a review on my writing from time to time? Not every post, or after the first three replies, but every once in a while, whenever you feel like it. Of course, I would do the same for you, if you want, but I really just want a third party view on top of my writing apart from my regular group and friends. If you aren't comfortable with that; don't worry about it, I can live without as well. Hit me up with a PM if you are interested. I would love to discuss something with you.