"[b][color=f26522]I once took a bet were I had to eat an empty oil drum in under a minute. Won seven thousand yen, then I puked. A lot. It was a good day.[/color][/b]" Name: Dimitri Mori Nicknames: Goat (earned this nickname after eating thirteen aluminum cans on a dare after discovering his quirk) Hero Name: Alloy Age: 21 Gender: Male Agency/Team: Justice Society Appearance: Dimitri is a rather large and somewhat wild looking individual at first glance: He stands at approximately 192cm and weighs in at just shy of 85kg. He takes more after his father than he does his mother: his skin is a light shade of brown, and is pockmarked with darker brown freckles along his back and shoulders, as well as on the bridge of his nose. A solidly built individual, Dimitri's physique is that of a man accustomed to an active and intense lifestyle: Strong muscles with a thick yet solid core. As far as his facial appearances go Dimitri is fairly average: He sports a slightly rounded face with a pair of grey eyes set over a small, somewhat flat nose, which itself is set over an average sized pair of lips. He sports a goatee on his chin and keeps his black hair in a series of dreadlocks that extend down a few inches past his shoulders. The real freak show starts when he opens his mouth. Dimitri's teeth are broad and triangular, not unlike the tips of a picket fence, and are unusually thick and sturdy in comparison to human teeth. He's typically a fan of sporting or outdoor wear, however he still keeps a [url=http://img03.deviantart.net/8828/i/2014/207/2/b/bastian_by_fenris31-d7se7vv.jpg]costume[/url] for when it's time to fight. -- Weapons: N/A Hero Equipment: A small pouch housing first aid kid -- Name of Quirk: Alloy Ability of Quirk: Metal absorption and production Qualities of Quirk: Dimitri's arms are comprised of a dark, semi-fluidic metal substance that he can shape and harden at will. Adding to this Dimitri can separate parts of this metal as he pleases and rejoin it to himself within a certain window of time. Strengths of Quirk: The metal that Dimitri produces is strong and light, not unlike titanium, and is extremely useful in both offensive and defensive situations alike. If he chooses to do so, Dimitri can ingest outside sources of metal to produce a secondary alloy. Weaknesses of Quirk: Magnets and electricity can easily put him and those around him out of commission if he isn't careful, as the metal he naturally produces is both magnetically attractive and super conductive. Using too much of the naturally produced metal can send Dimitri into a state of dehydration and the early stage of starvation. Ingesting other sources of metal to use, while useful in a pinch, can also be dangerous to Dimitri. Toxic metals can cause severe illness as easily in him as they would in any normal person. His body may also attempt to violently reject nonnative metals if too much is consumed at one time. Limits of Quirk: In addition to what he uses as his arms, Dimitri can only safely produce about 15L (four gallons) worth of the metal substance. One would think that devouring other metals would easily offset this issue, however the alloy produced from doing so is weaker, heavier, and softer than what he would naturally produce (Think of it as trying to go from titanium to bronze). The natural metal that Dimitri separates decays after about five minutes unless he reintegrates it into himself or it is otherwise destroyed. ---- Biography: All in all, Dimitri's life was pretty stable until his quirk emerged. Born in Bloomseburg, London, but raised in Musutafu, Japan, Dimitri was born the son of a hero and a baker, both of whom had become steadfast friends when his mother began studying abroad and met his father. This friendship would very quickly evolved into a relationship that would see to their marriage and Dimitri's conception. In the beginning there was a bit of trouble His father was an established hero in England, a member of the Justice Society who dreamed of one day joining King's Pride, his mother; an aspiring baker who had opened up a shop close to home. After much debate the family came to settle in Japan, with Dimitri's father switching from the then trial phase european branch to the already established japanese. Though the scenery may have changed, the workload still remained the same for Dimitri's father, which of course meant that he was left with quite the workload to deal with. Despite this, he would still try and make time for his family when he could, often trying to stop by the bakery that his wife ran to visit her whenever she brought young Dimitri in. For Dimitri things were great: He got to see his father before the ol' man came home dead tired, he got to hang out with his mother, and his mother's coworkers would spoil him with as many treats as his heart desired. It was because of that last bit however, that his quirk ended up manifesting. See, Dimitri had begun noticing odd things happening to his body around the time he was ten, cramps in his jaw, and a tingling sensation in his body that he couldn't quite explain. With him seeming healthy after several doctor's visits, Dimitri's mother simply chalked it up as him going through growing pains. Dimitri himself came to believe this until one day he was offered a spoonful of cookie dough and he ended up biting part of the metal spoon clean off. His mother- being a person who just watched her child eat something non edible- promptly freaked out and called an ambulance to have Dimitri's stomach pumped. At the hospital, Dimitri quite spiritedly resisted the process involved with getting one's stomach pumped to the point where sedation seemed as though it would necessary. It took all of one second for Dimitri to see the needle coming his way to send the boy into a fit of hysterics which resulted in him with a shiny new pair of arms, and a doctor with a cracked rib. It took some smoothing out from his father to get Dimitri and his mother out of trouble, however the old man hardly seemed to mind. After all: he now had something he could really bond with his son over! Over the course of the next few years, Dimitri studied under his father, though things were originally off to a rocky start since Dimitri's desire to goof around with his powers to both test his limits and impress his friends occasionally came into conflicts with his father's tutelage. With time however he grew to learn the ins and outs of what he could do, as well as what being a hero actually mean . After a few more years of "official" lessons and Dimitri was eventually accepted into the Justice Society. Personality: Dimitri is generally a very even tempered and easy going individual in his down time, and could even be considered down right lazy at times. His near perpetual smile and amiable demeanor, and soft tone paired with his large frame often makes people think of a sleepy bear when they look at him. This is actually pretty accurate seeing as just like a bear, Dimitri's deliberate and sleepy demeanor can give way to an absolutely ferocious and even deadly combatant when the limits of his patience are pushed beyond their tipping point. Though he'll never admit it, Dimitri has a very, [i]very[/i] bad gambling streak. However he may behave, theres one thing that everyone who knows Dimitri can depend on: When the chips are down, he'll have your back no matter the odds. ---- Other: Dimitri speaks with a slight lisp because of his teeth, he's somewhat sensitive of this fact and tries to correct his speech so as not to annoy others. Dimitri has an intense fear of needles.